Awesome New Apps in the HubSpot App Marketplace

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new appsThere are some really cool new apps in the HubSpot App Marketplace that have gone live since the last update, and are definitely worth checking out. Don't forget that Canvas apps (the apps we talk about here) can be installed with one click through the HubSpot App Marketplace into any HubSpot portal (click on App Marketplace under the Community tab).  

Here's the rundown:

  • Report Keeper - Report keeper is a productivity app that lets you create and save reports from your HubSpot Analytics (Sources application) to use later.  If you already have a saved report, you can just paste the custom URL into the indicated field and add it to your Saved Reports. Everything will be saved for the next time you navigate to the application. This app creates one convenient location where you can store and access all of the Sources reports you want to use on an ongoing basis.  The app was written by Jarrett Cruger, a summer intern at HubSpot and student at RPI.
  • Textbroker - Textbroker is the second Content Marketplace app to hit the app marketplace. Textbroker comprises over 70,000 U.S.-based writers who are available to produce any form of written content, including blog posts, white papers, e-books, and more.  Textbroker writers have produced over 1MM pieces of original content for customers.  If you want to supplement your content creation efforts with some paid content, check out Textbroker.
  • Website Video Gallery & Player - This simple but useful app provides you with a simple YouTube player with all of your uploaded YouTube videos embedded in it and ready to play. All you have to do is enter your YouTube username and go. The app will then generate an embed script that lets you place this player into any webpage, including anywhere on the HubSpot CMS.
Check out these new apps today in the HubSpot App Marketplace!

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