43 of the Best Email Sign-offs That Put ‘Best’ and ‘Thanks’ to Shame

Written by: Aja Frost
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Discover the email sign offs put best thanks to shame. image shows two people waving at each other and a laptop in the middle of them.



Most of us stop reading after the last full sentence in an email. After all, the majority of email sign-offs are something like “Best,” “Thanks,” “Sincerely,” or something similarly boring — and there’s no point in reading it a million times.

However, the ubiquity of boring email sign-offs is an excellent opportunity for sales reps. Closing with something memorable and personalized won’t just make you stand out but also give you one last chance to connect with your prospect.

So, pair a powerful So pair a powerful email closing line with a unique sign-off to make an impression. Next time you’re ending a message, try one of these creative sign-offs.

Creative Email Sign-Offs

best creative sales email sign-offs

1. "Looking forward to learning more about your [challenge]"

When you're emailing the prospect to schedule an exploratory call, use your sign-off to position yourself as a trusted consultant.

2. "Excited to tackle [challenge] with you"

Use this line in a connect email or after a discovery call to show the prospect you're ready and willing to help.

3. "Thanks for the chance to talk to a fellow [book-lover, rock-climber, Cincinnati native, etc.]"

Once you've established commonality with a prospect, you can reinforce it in your closing line.

Alternatively, if you're reaching out for the first time, adapt this line to: "Looking forward to the chance to talk to a fellow [book-lover, rock-climber, Cincinnati native, etc.]"

4. "Always a pleasure catching up with a fellow [Bates alum, hockey fan, Curb Your Enthusiasm fan]"

This line is another great option for strengthening your connection with a prospect and helps develop a rapport over a shared experience.

5. "Hope you're able to fit in some [prospect's hobby] this weekend"

Has the prospect mentioned — directly to you or on social media — that they're really into a particular pastime? If so, use this sign-off. It's cheerier than a "Sincerely" or "Thank you."

6. "Congratulations again on the [trigger event]"

If you started your email by acknowledging a trigger event, mention it again in your sign-off to remind the prospect that things are changing for their company — so they might consider changing up their vendors, too. 

7. "Hope you get the chance to celebrate [trigger event] this weekend"

This line is a little more familiar, but you can use it with prospects you have a strong rapport with. 

8. "Enjoy the [event your prospect told you about]" or "Let me know how the [event] goes"

Reference something on your prospect’s calendar to show them you’re an active listener during your conversations. 

You can also use this sign-off with buyers you haven’t spoken with yet if you’ve seen them mention an event on social media or determined their attendance through buyer research.

9. "Oh, by the way -- good luck at the [event]"

Use this variation when the other person is actually participating in the event (speaking, hosting, etc.)

10. "Drop me a line if you've got any questions about [the proposal, improving your employee retention, sourcing new IT freelancers, etc.]"

You likely uncovered and handled prospects' objections during your exploratory meeting. But, if they have doubts or questions, you can use your sign-off to let them know you’re on hand to answer them. 

11. "Have a fantastic Monday (oxymoron?)"

Mondays are universally disliked. With this closing line, you'll make your prospects smile — and show them there's a real person behind your email. But don't use it with anyone who won't be receptive to the humor.

12. "Hope your week's off to a good start"

Use this cheery closing line when you don't know the prospect well (and don't want to put them off with something too familiar).

13. "Enjoy your Thursday (we're so close!)"

As the week goes on, everyone looks forward to the weekend. As a bonus, using “we” shows the prospect that you’re on the same team. 

14. "Happy Friday -- hoping you've got some relaxing things planned"

T.G.I.F, right?

15. "Hope your [day] is going swimmingly"

If you want to have a little fun with the generic “Hope your week is going well," use "swimmingly" or another underused adverb instead.

16. "Saw that it'll be [hot, cold] in [prospect's city] — stay [cool, warm]"

A little personalization goes a long way. 

Be mindful that using this sign-off with a new prospect might not be ideal if you don’t have a rapport that lets you know how they’ll receive a more creative sign-off.

17. "Have a splendid day"

Alternatively, swap “splendid” for “good” or “great” to make those closing lines memorable. 

18. "Will follow up with more info soon ..."

Want to create a little intrigue and suspense? Drop a morsel of knowledge in the buyer's lap in your first email, then end by promising more to come.

19. "Sending you good vibes"

Subtly remind your prospect you're on their team with this positive sign-off. It may be overly casual for some prospects, so consider their job title, personality, and industry before you use it.

20. "Have a great trip"

Is your recipient going on vacation, traveling for work, or visiting their home? Show you're paying attention with this friendly sign-off.

21. "Enjoy the holidays"

This is a great option to use during the holiday season, but specifically when a prospect has mentioned an upcoming holiday that they’re celebrating or looking forward to. 

If your prospect hasn’t mentioned a holiday, use the next option on this list. 

22. "Enjoy your break"

If a prospect hasn’t mentioned a holiday season, but you know that there might be a federal holiday coming up where people take time off, it’s best to simply say “Enjoy your break” or “Enjoy your time off” 

You can use this post to reference holidays that your prospects may observe.

Funny Email Sign-Offs

best funny sales email sign-offsA humorous sign-off lends your email some personality and makes you more memorable. Be cautious with these, though — if you don’t know your recipient well, a funny closing line can be misinterpreted as sarcastic or unprofessional. 

When in doubt, go with a traditional sign-off.

23. "May the sales be with you"

Thanks to fourLetter CEO Josh Jordan for this one. You can also use "May the force be with you" if you want to keep the classic Star Wars reference.

24. "Your friendly [job title]"

Use this sign-off to end on a cheery note. To give you an idea, mine would read:

Your friendly Sales Blog editor,


25. "To infinity and beyond"

Toy Story fans will appreciate this borrowed-from-Buzz-Lightyear line.

26. "May the odds be ever in your favor"

Since Hunger Games became an international sensation, this has become a popular (and slightly eerie) way to say good luck and goodbye.

27. "Hakuna Matata"

Who wouldn't smile at this happy go lucky motto from Lion King?

28. "Live long and prosper"

Give the Vulcan Salute with this famous Star Trek phrase.

29. "I think we're going to need a bigger [boat, budget, other related noun]"

And one more movie-inspired sign-off, because why not? Tip your hat to Jaws when you're discussing a challenge. For instance, if your message is about insufficient leads, you might end with:

I think we're going to need a bigger pipeline,


30. "Keep on, keepin' on"

This sign-off evokes a "we're all in this together" vibe, which can bring you closer to your recipient.

31. "Go Pats!!"

Does your recipient like the same sports team as you? Remind them of that connection in your enthusiastic sign-off.

32. "May your Monday be full of Coffee"

You could swap any day of the week for "Monday" here. It’s a humorous reference to people saying coffee helps them get through the week. 

33. "Roll the credits"

Sending one last email before the weekend? Use this cheeky sign-off for the movie buffs in your midst.

34. "Tag, you're it"

Playing "email tag" with a prospect or customer? This close is always a nice touch and treats the back and forth as a normal scenario and not an annoyance.

Professional Email Sign-Offs

best professional and formal email sign-offsWhen you need a semi-formal or formal sign-off, try these. They're appropriate for customers, prospects, business partners, and people above you in your organization -- basically, anyone to whom you need to show respect.

35. "Thank you"

This classic email sign-off is never a bad choice. The only reason to avoid it? If you already said "thank you" at some point in your message. 

36. "Thanks again"

That being said, if the other person has done you a big favor, and you've acknowledged that in the past, you can end your email with thanks again. Just make sure they've truly gone out of their way to help you, or the double thank-you may seem fake.

37. "Best regards"

Go with this reserved closing line when you're contacting someone who doesn't know you and/or works in a conservative industry.

38. "All the best"

This is a variation of "best regards" that can be used with people you know or new contacts.

39. "Regards"

Like #3, this option can seem a bit stiff. Save it for strangers and/or transactional emails.

Formal Email Sign-offs

40. "With gratitude"

This sign-off is a professional way to communicate you're grateful for your contact's actions, thoughts, or feedback.

41. "Sincerely"

Most professionals end their cover letters with this sign-off. That's probably the only situation you should be using it for -- otherwise, you might sound like you're trying to be someone's pen pal.

42. "Respectfully"

"Respectfully" implies you're deferring to your recipient, so use it when you're emailing someone who's far, far more powerful, experienced, or knowledgable. It can also help soften a potentially antagonistic message.

43. "Looking forward to hearing from you"

You may have seen this sign-off used by people making a request or asking a question, i.e., "Would you be open to grabbing some coffee and sharing your freelancing advice? Looking forward to hearing from you …"

Unfortunately, this often comes across as pushy. Instead, I recommend "Looking forward to hearing from you" for the opposite scenario: When you're helping the other person out.

To give you an idea, perhaps you're reaching out about a speaking opportunity. Or maybe you're letting them know you featured their story in a blog post. When used by the provider, this line evokes warmth and friendliness.

How Not to Sign-Off an Email

how not to sign off a sales email

Here are the worst ways to close an email.

1. "Love"

It might go without saying, but ending a professional message with "Love" will make your recipient uncomfortable.

2. "Kisses," "xx," "xoxo," hugs"

Along similar lines, any of these intimate sign-offs are unacceptable. Save them for friends and family.

3. "Yours"

This stiff, overly formal sign-off conjures up images of old-fashioned love letters. Not what you want your prospect, partner, customer, or coworker to be thinking of when you're making a request or delivering information.

4. "Ciao"

Unless you're Italian, borrowing this phrase doesn't really make sense.

5. "Yours faithfully"

Are you a sailor's wife in 1850, waiting patiently for your spouse to return to you? Then steer clear of this outdated closer, especially since it has no relevance to your relationship with your prospect. 

6. "Rgds," "Thx"

If you're trying to say "regards" or "thanks,” show your contacts you care by taking the time to include all the letters and not abbreviating them to "rgds" and "thanks."

7. "More soon"

The problem with this one is that you're promising to follow up shortly. If you end up needing more time, you'll still have to send a message explaining the delay.

8. "As ever"

As ever ... what? This sign-off doesn't make sense and feels too forward for business contacts.

9. Not including a sign-off

Unless you're deep in an email chain, an email sign-off shouldn't be negotiable if you're sending an initial response to a contact. Not including a sign-off in your first email can make your email feel impersonal.

A custom email signature is also highly recommended. It helps you stand out and appear more professional — and sometimes makes all the difference between receiving a reply and not.

Looking for more email tips? Learn when to use reply, reply all, CC, and BCC next.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published July 25, 2016 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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