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HubSpot's Marketing Blog is always looking for practical and actionable original articles on topics that matter to the agency professional. 

What We Look For in a Guest Post

Successful guest contributions are comprehensive, data-driven, and interesting posts that teach our readers something new. 

Subjects we focus on include -- but are not limited to -- agency leadership, operations, positioning, pricing, new business development, creativity, productivity, talent and career growth, culture, client relations, account management, technology, and brand marketing.

We look for a few things in everything piece we publish:

  • Be well-written and original.
  • Have a logical structure and flow.
  • Use subheadings and bullets/lists, where appropriate, to make it easy for the reader to consume the information.
  • Include a strong, compelling introduction and a conclusion that wraps up the article or provides a call to action.
  • Attribute all data, quotes, and referenced content by hyperlinking to the original source.
  • Be between 800 and 1,500 words; however, don’t sacrifice depth for brevity.
  • Avoid promotional information. Your company can be an example, but it should be used as the basis for sharing knowledge.

What We Won't Publish

  • Anything that's been covered on our blog before. Please do a search of our site before submitting your articles.
  • Articles that are clearly part of a link building campaign. Including links to your homepage or contact form in the body of the article is a clear sign of this.
  • Articles that criticize companies or individuals; this is not a site to air grievances.
  • Articles that have appeared on other blogs or news outlets. Contributors must own the rights to any content published on Agency Post.

How to Submit Your Article

Email your completed article (as a Word Doc or a HTML file) to agencypost [at] hubspot [dot] com. Include all images and charts (must be at least 600 px wide) as separate attachments.

If your article meets our quality standards and follows our guidelines, we will email you within two weeks to confirm a publication date.

(If you want to get our attention, read more about what our editor looks for in a guest post pitch.)

Due to the volume of requests we receive, we cannot respond to all submissions.

The Not-So-Fine Print

While we make every effort to preserve your voice, we will edit your content for grammar and clarity. We may also update it in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

In addition, HubSpot reserves the right to include calls-to-action to HubSpot content, including but not limited to email newsletters, ebooks, and other downloadable content.