22 Facebook Stats to Know in 2023 [+HubSpot Data]

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Erica Santiago
Erica Santiago


Facebook has been around for almost 20 years, and with newer platforms like TikTok and Threads on the rise, you may wonder if it's worth marketing your brand or organization on the social network.

A woman scrolls through facebook on her smartphone while wearing headphones. A person nearby holds up a tablet showing graphs and statistics

To help you decide if Facebook is still worth leveraging, we've compiled a list of statistics marketers should know in 2023.

Facebook Statistics

Facebook Statistics for Business

Facebook Video Statistics

Facebook Advertising Statistics

Facebook Demographic Statistics

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Facebook Statistics

Here are some general Facebook statistics marketers should know.

Graph showing which platforms are most effective for establishing a community on social media.

Facebook Statistics for Business

If you‘re curious about incorporating Facebook into your business’s social media strategy, here are some statistics to keep in mind.

67% of social media marketers use Facebook.

Facebook Video Statistics

Video marketing is integral to many brands. If you're a video marketer, these Facebook statistics are important to remember. 

Pro-Tip: While most people watch Facebook videos with the sound off, that doesn't mean you should upload videos without sound. Instead, you should use or enable captions so the video is accessible both with and without sound.

50% of time on Facebook is spent watching videos.

Facebook Advertising Statistics

Considering using Facebook Ads to boost your brand's visibility? These stats paint a picture of Facebook's ad reach. 

Facebook Ads reach 62.2% of Americans ages 13 and up.

Facebook Demographic Statistics

Who uses Facebook? These demographic statistics might give you an idea. 

Share of Facebook uses in United States according to age.As you can tell from the above statistics, Facebook still has a huge global audience and sizeable reach.

With that in mind, you may find the platform is still worth leveraging, especially if you're marketing to a mostly millennial audience or you're leaning heavily into influencer or video marketing. 

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