Where Is Your Traffic Coming From? An Analysis of 15K Websites [Infographic]

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Erik Devaney
Erik Devaney



We all know that sources of website traffic can vary greatly from business to business. While some businesses are social media powerhouses, driving thousands of visits through Facebook, Twitter, and more, other businesses are organic search specialists, and derive most of their traffic from scrupulously optimizing pages and posts.

And while there's no single right answer when it comes to driving traffic, the head of HubSpot Research, Mimi An, wanted to know: What does the average traffic breakdown look like for HubSpot's 15,000 customers? Where is their traffic coming from?

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I took some key data points from the resulting report -- Average Traffic Sources for Websites: Benchmarks From 15K HubSpot Customers -- and turned it into the infographic below.


Note: You can download the full report (for free!) via the HubSpot Research website at research.hubspot.com.

Have any website traffic insights you'd like to share? Sound off in the comments section below.

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Topics: Lead Generation

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