Using Facebook to chat with people is easy. You know what’s tough? Leveraging Facebook to drive business results.
That is why we wanted to discuss some opportunities marketers have for driving visitor-to-lead conversions on Facebook. Where can you place your call to action on Facebook? Here are a few suggestions:
1. Custom Page Tabs

Custom page tabs allow companies to increase conversions from anonymous users to known “likes.”Salesforce is an example of a B2B company with a strong CTA on it's Welcome page. Ready to take this a step further? What if you want to turn that “like” into a lead? That is possible, too, on the Page tab. For instance, HubSpot recently launched an app that allows our customers to convert "likes" into leads by attaching a secondary call-to-action and a lead conversion form to their custom Facebook page tab.
2. Other People’s News Feeds
In our recent Facebook Page Marketing webinar, Justin Kistner talked about the benefits of using other people’s news feeds as CTA carriers. Justin pointed out that now Facebook tabs have smaller real estate compared to other page elements. They have been moved from top of the page to below the profile photo on the left side. “This further underscores the importance of making sure that you have some sort of a promotional aspect to whatever you’re doing with one of those custom tabs,” he said. That is why, a more effective way to drive conversions is by encouraging others to spread your offers.
3. Facebook Ads & Sponsored Stories
If you are ready for more advanced (and less organic) Facebook marketing, experiment with ads. You can use traditional display ads to drive traffic to your offers or you could try out Facebook’s new Sponsored Stories. The latter allows for additional distribution of page stories that might be resonating with your audience. Both of these are great for targeting based on demographics, likes and interests and connections.
How do you use Facebook for lead generation?