Facebook Growth Jumps to 350 million Users in 2009

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Jeanne Hopkins
Jeanne Hopkins



Facebook Growth

Over the last six months, the growth of Facebook has taken off. Since July, Facebook has grown by more than half a million users per day. That's almost the entire population of Boston, signing up each and every day.

Not only is Facebook one of the fastest growing media, it has many benefits for B2B marketers:

  • Facebook provides the opportunity to build and strengthen relationships with your prospects and clients.
  • Facebook has changed the way people consume content - making it easier for you to share content and reach interested buyers.
  • Facebook allows you position yourself as an authority in your field through creating a community of fans for your ideas and business.
  • Facebook acts as a business driver for traffic to your website and other online properties.
  • Facebook provides your organization with the opportunity to get found by your prospects - through referrals, recommendations, cross links, and search engines.
  • More importantly, nothing draws a crowd like a crowd. And, Facebook is that crowd.

What are you and your business doing to harness the power of Facebook's growth?

Webinar: How to Sell Social Media to Your Boss

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Social media guru Chris Brogan explains how to demonstrate the value of social media marketing.

Download the free webinar to learn how to get your company started with social media.

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