A hot topic in the industry these days is repurposing content. I mean why not repurpose right? If you have a piece of content and it resonates well with your audience then why not try to create more content around that topic? It just makes sense. Well, repurposing content makes it very easy to do that.
There are a few reasons you might want to repurpose content. The first could be like I mentioned before, an offer performed really well and you want to spread the word through different mediums such as a blog, a video, an infographic, or a podcast.
The second could be because you’re swamped with all the other marketing campaigns you have going on and you just don’t have that much time to come up with new content every week. Regardless of the reason, repurposing content is an easy, seamless way to promote your business.
Find Your Best Performing Content Piece
You’re not going to want to repurpose a piece of content if it’s something that didn’t perform well. So take a look at your analytics and find the content that resonated most with your audience and performed the best. Make sure it’s something interesting that can be transformed into various mediums with different structures, messaging, tones, graphics, etc.
For example we did a case study on 7 companies that used HubSpot versus 7 companies that didn’t and compared their results. Originally it was a blog, but it generated so much traffic and was so popular that we ended up publishing it 5 different ways. Let’s talk about how you can accomplish this with your business’ content no matter what medium you originally published it on.
1) Blog
No matter how your content starts out, creating a blog on it is a great idea. Blogs are easy to share, easy to promote, and easy to read. Creating a blog about your content will also drive traffic to your site. If you’re blogging around industry topics you’ll be seen as an expert and knowledgeable in your industry, thus building trust with your website visitors.
When we published our repurposed study in blog form, within the first 6 months the blog post had 2,125 views. It was a popular piece. To date it has been shared in 237 tweets and 93 LinkedIn posts. We realized we had something here, something people wanted.
The article was shared rapidly at first, but then as time went on the article went stale. Articles are virally shraed on social media but they tend to be time sensitive. An article from July 2013 is no longer relevant, so we continued to repurpose it.

2) Responsive Piece of Advanced Content
The blog post was popular and informative but it was written as more of an opinion piece than a study. So we turned it into a responsive piece of advanced content. This was laid out on a page similar to a blog post but offered various things as you went down the page.
Our thought behind this was that giving the study its own page makes it timeless and less personal than a blog post which in turn gives the study more credibility among readers. We didn’t want to put it behind a form just yet, which is why we chose a responsive piece of content. This allows people to read your content without filling out a form but also still getting the opportunity to become a lead. Click here to see what a piece of responsive content looks like.

3) Podcast
Then we decided to talk about the study on a Podcast. Our President, Rick Kranz featured it on his fifth episode where talked about the study. He titled this Episode "Using Marketing Automation to Grow Sales."
To date this episode has about 400 listens. Just another way for us to reach the marketing community. Even if you don’t have your own podcast, you can reach out to others in your community to be featured on their podcasts.

4) Infographic
We’re not out of options yet! You can also repurpose your content as an infographic. Infographics are great to share on social media and people love visual content. In some cases infographics are actually better at communicating informational and useful content to readers and your target audience.

You can usually produce a really great infographic for a few hundred dollars if you find a good designer. They should follow in the footsteps of your overall business brand, check out our infographic here.
5) Ebook
Almost done! Next you can turn your content into a PDF and put it behind a form to generate leads. We turned our content into an ebook so we could continue to promote it once the initial hype died down and still generate leads from it. So we created a landing page and put it behind a form to showcase on our resources page and let it live on in content history!

We have seen traction on our piece of content that we repurposed again and again. And that's because each time we repurpose our study we make it so it can be digested differently than the last version.
The podcast is for listening, the infographic is for viewing, the web page is for reading in the now and the PDF is for reading later. We also spice up each piece of content so it is different than the last. We gave each a new title, new structure, new copy, new pictures, new graphs and new style/tone.