6 Workplace Rules That Drive People Crazy [Infographic]

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Erik Devaney
Erik Devaney




Depending on the size, management style, and overall culture of the company you work at, you may have to deal with some workplace rules that can leave you feeling a bit frazzled.

Of course, codifying rules is often necessary for helping to keep everyone focused on the same goals -- especially as a company grows larger. That being said, rules don't always have a positive effect on the workplace. From restricting access to certain websites, to forbidding employees from wearing attire that's (arguably) outlandish, companies can sometimes go a bit overboard when writing their rule books.

The team at CashNetUSA recently created an infographic that highlights six of the most annoying workplace rules that employees have to deal with. What's more, the infographic provides tips and best practices for coping with these rules so that they don't interfere with your happiness or productivity.


What are your thoughts on the workplace rules shown in the infographic above? Leave a comment below.

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