The 67 Best, Most Popular, and Most Liked Hashtags on Twitter

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Chris Sabanty
Chris Sabanty


Recently, we analyzed millions of tweets and found that some Twitter hashtags correlate with a 1,065% increase in engagement -- clearly, hashtags still matter in 2019.

twitter hashtags: image shows a person on their phone surrounded by hashtags

More specifically, we found tweets with no hashtags averaged 1.7 interactions per tweet. Tweets that included #ico, the most popular hashtag, had an average of 19.8 interactions per tweet. That’s almost 12x higher engagement with the right hashtag.

We saw similar increases with other popular hashtags, like #medicaid, #ethereum, and #crowdfunding.

There are two possible explanations for this:

  1. Hashtags for popular searches like #tuesdaymotivation increase impressions per tweet. More impressions lead to more likes, replies, and retweets.
  2. Hashtags provide insight into content that naturally performs well. This might be true for #photography, #funny, or #pets.

To help increase engagement with potential customers on Twitter, we’ve compiled a list of the best hashtags to increase likes, retweets, and replies. Our list is by no means all-encompassing -- we only covered a specific time period, and as trends change, so will popular hashtags. But the list should still provide longterm insights into general popular topics on Twitter, helping you create a more relevant content strategy.


Our Methodology

We used a dataset of tweets ranging from January 2017 to May 2018. Hashtags were only included if they occurred in a minimum of 300 tweets, by at least 100 unique accounts. In 2019, we did further research to determine which tweets were still relevant and which needed to be added to the list.

Hashtags That Get the Most Likes

First, let’s take a look at the 30 best hashtags to get likes on a tweet:

  1. ico
  2. ethereum
  3. crypto
  4. crowdfunding
  5. medicaid
  6. blackhistorymonth
  7. womenshistorymonth
  8. photography
  9. iwd2019
  10. cryptocurrency
  11. happyeaster
  12. womensday
  13. pressforprogress
  14. happybirthday
  15. internationalwomensday
  16. olympics
  17. pets
  18. friends
  19. piday
  20. worldwaterday
  21. funny
  22. contest
  23. starwarsday
  24. giveaway
  25. tuesdaymotivation
  26. mondaymotivation
  27. traveltuesday
  28. wcw
  29. tbt

Some of these hashtags might surprise you -- #worldwaterday, for example, doesn’t have much in common with #tuesdaymotivation, and yet both made the list.

The most popular hashtags fit into a few categories:

  • Cryptocurrency: The recent rise of cryptocurrency wasn’t lost on social media -- #ico, #ethereum, and #crypto occupied the top three spots. In addition, #cryptocurrency and #bitcoin were near the top of the list. It’s uncertain whether this trend will continue beyond 2019.
  • History Months: #blackhistorymonth and #womenshistorymonth ranked 5th and 6th, respectively.
  • Holidays/Other Days: The rest of the top 25 included #happyeaster, #happybirthday, #internationalwomensday, #piday, #worldwaterday, and #starwarsday. Also, #fathersday, #maythe4thbewithyou, and #memorialday just missed the cut.
  • Contests: Social media contests, a popular way to increase engagement, are represented with #contest and #giveaway.
  • Evergreen Content: Less topical but strong-performing content like #photography, #funny, and #pets also ranked.

Hopefully, the list is broad enough to help you easily incorporate one or two topics into your social media strategy -- when it’s a holiday, for example, your business might do well posting Tweets relevant to that day, or if your engagement is low, you might consider creating a social media contest.

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Most Popular Hashtags

Some of the following hashtags overlap with our most-liked hashtags on Twitter, but others stand alone as popular for getting retweets but not necessarily for getting likes. Here’s a list of the 30 we found to be most retweeted:

  1. medicaid
  2. ico
  3. ethereum
  4. aca
  5. crypto
  6. crowdfunding
  7. giveaway
  8. contest
  9. blackhistorymonth
  10. womenshistorymonth
  11. cryptocurrency
  12. womensday
  13. happybirthday
  14. authentication
  15. win
  16. medicare
  17. internationalwomensday
  18. influencermarketing
  19. opioid
  20. healthinsurance
  21. qa
  22. funny
  23. womeninstem
  24. iwd2019
  25. photography
  26. mondaymotivation
  27. ootd
  28. vegan
  29. traveltuesday
  30. tbt

The most-retweeted list was similar to the most-liked list, but there are a few differences:

  • Health or healthcare related hashtags like #medicaid, #aca, #medicare, #healthinsurance, #vegan, and #opioid are all highly ranked. This is possibly because these are topics that come up a lot in daily life and in the news.
  • Motivational tweets with hashtags like #MondayMotivation that include quotes or tips related to life or work might are retweetable because Twitter users that agree with the advice or tip might also want to share it.
  • For fashionistas, #OOTD or Outfit of the Day gives them the opportunity to share their favorite outfits. These might be retweetable but other people who want to use that outfit as fashion inspiration on their own account.
  • Twitter considers hashtags like #MondayMotivation, #TBT, and #TravelTuesday as highly engaging because they inspire people to try new things. They often correlate to beautiful imagery.
  • Contest hashtags like #giveaway, #contest, and #win also ranked higher.

There are a few possible explanations for these most retweeted hashtags. For instance, contest hashtags might rank high on the list as a result of contest creators asking for retweets instead of likes. This is probably a good strategy for smaller Twitter accounts looking to reach a new audience. However, a Twitter account with a lot of followers might see better results asking for likes, which could re-engage their existing audience.

Best Hashtags to Get Replies on Twitter

If you’re interested in engaging more meaningfully with your Twitter audience, you might benefit from the hashtags in this list. These 29 hashtags are most likely to result in a direct reply on Twitter, ideally sparking a conversation between your business and potential customers.

  1. merrychristmas
  2. giveaway
  3. contest
  4. win
  5. competition
  6. medicaid
  7. aca
  8. ethereum
  9. blackhistorymonth
  10. photography
  11. ff
  12. ico
  13. happybirthday
  14. metoo
  15. crypto
  16. womensday
  17. alcohol
  18. bitcoin
  19. gold
  20. movies
  21. running
  22. thankful
  23. birthday
  24. cryptocurrencies
  25. opioid
  26. mondaymotivation
  27. tbt
  28. thursdaythoughts
  29. traveltuesday

The most-replied-to hashtags are similar to our previous lists, but there are a few differences:

  • #ff or Follow Friday, a popular way to get more followers on Twitter, made its first appearance.
  • #TBT or Throwback Thursday is often used when sharing an old photo or tweet. While people might not retweet your memories, they might send a reply related to how much has changed since the time when the memory was captured.
  • ThursdayThoughts is often associated with a deep thought or philosophy. These types of tweets might be retweetable if people agree. But, they also might encourage discussion or polite debate if the tweet makes people think.
  • Similarly themed but new hashtags that ranked were #merrychristmas, #competition, #metoo, #gold, #thankful, and #birthday.
  • Also making its first appearance was #alcohol. Maybe this is the Twitter equivalent of drunk-dialing?

Perhaps you might consider asking a question using one of these hashtags (“Favorite #movies?”) to increase replies from your audience. Twitter is meant to be a social platform -- with these hashtags, you can hopefully elevate the conversations you’re having with your followers.

Best Twitter Hashtags

Here’s the list of the 34 highest-performing hashtags for that past two years:

  1. crypto
  2. influencermarketing
  3. womenshistorymonth
  4. blackhistorymonth
  5. cryptocurrency
  6. bitcoin
  7. internationalwomensday
  8. cryptocurrencies
  9. java
  10. blockchain
  11. iwd2019
  12. competition
  13. pressforprogress
  14. influencer
  15. olympics
  16. influencers
  17. datascience
  18. fintech
  19. womenintech
  20. metoo
  21. deeplearning
  22. science
  23. sxsw
  24. fridayfeeling
  25. cloudsecurity
  26. MondayMotivation
  27. tbt
  28. wcw
  29. thursdaythoughts
  30. traveltuesday
  31. vegan
  32. fitness
  33. blessed
  34. goals

Currently, hashtags related to technology, health, and lifestyle remain consistently popular. However, there were a few new additions:

  • #blockchain, which is the underlying technology behind bitcoin, has seen an increase in engagement. This makes sense, since Facebook, Amazon, and many others have recently made forays into using it. Blockchain also has a wide variety of possible uses, from financial applications to file sharing.
  • #influencermarketing and #influencers also appear to be trending. Influencer marketing is an emerging type of marketing that focuses on using social influencers to amplify your message.
  • Other rising, tech-related hashtags included #fintech, #deeplearning, #science, #cloudsecurity, and #java.

Finally, a few other top hashtags that just missed the list include #predictiveanalytics, #databreach, #robotics, #machinelearning, and #augmentedreality.

We don’t expect you to create quality content by stuffing your tweets with #java #womenintech and #funny -- instead, we hope you can incorporate some of these hashtags into thoughtful messages you believe makes sense for your business, to encourage increased engagement with your audience.



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