Why People Like, Share, and Comment on Facebook [Infographic]

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Lindsay Kolowich Cox
Lindsay Kolowich Cox



Of Facebook's 1.25 billion monthly active users, 44% Like their friends' posts at least once a day -- and 29% do it multiple times a day. That's hundreds of millions of people interacting with content on the social network on a daily basis.

So what motivates people to Like Facebook posts -- and share them, and comment on them? And why should businesses care?

Research has found several psychological reasons behind why users enjoy using Facebook so much.Free Guide: How to Market on Facebook & Instagram

For example, s tudies observing people browsing on Facebook found psychological indications of happiness, like pupil dilation. By uncovering this type of audience insight, marketers can apply this information to create more effective Facebook marketing campaigns. 


Check out the infographic below from QuickSprout to learn more about why people use Facebook and what businesses can learn from it.


Free Resource: How to Reach & Engage Your Audience on Facebook


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