How to Take Your Instagram Stories to the Next Level With Stickers

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Caroline Forsey
Caroline Forsey



With over 250 million people using Instagram Stories daily, it's no surprise you want in on the action. But the sheer quantity of Stories can be overwhelming -- how's your business supposed to stand out?


One of the easiest ways to add personality and flair to your Stories is through Instagram Stickers.Download Now: How to Use Instagram for Business [Free Guide + Templates]

With Stickers, you can ask questions and create polls for your audience, add GIFs to an otherwise average photo, and include relevant information like temperature and location. Or, you could simply include an emoji to make your post more captivating.

Let's explore the full range of possibilities with Instagram Stickers.

Instagram Stickers

Let's take a look at a few different ways you can use Stickers in your next Instagram Story (featuring HubSpot's Desirae Smith as our Instagram Story model!).

1. Open up the Instagram app, and click the camera icon in the top left. This will open your Instagram Story.

open instagram stories

2. Take a picture (or upload one). Click the peeling square smiley face in the top right -- that is your Stickers icon.

How to Take Your Instagram Stories to the Next Level With Stickers

3. Here is your complete list of stickers. You can scroll through them, or search for one in the search box at the top.

list of stickers on instagram

4. To create a poll, click the "poll" sticker, and then type your question. Drag to reposition the sticker on your image.

how to create a poll on story

5. To add a GIF to your image, click the "GIF" icon and then scroll through trending GIFs, or search in the search box.

GIF icon

6. The best way to learn about stickers is by experimenting. Try clicking on different stickers, like temperature, location, or emojis, to decide what works best for you.

experimenting stickers

7. When you're happy with the finished product, click "Your Story" in the bottom left to add the post to your Instagram Story (but beware -- too many Stickers can quickly become overwhelming).

There you have it! Stickers are one of the easiest and most effective tools at your disposal to ensure your Instagram Stories are fun, captivating, and original. For more Instagram Stories tips, check out "How to Make an Instagram Story Like a Pro".

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