8 LinkedIn Profile Photo Mistakes That Make You Look Unprofessional [Infographic]

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Emma Brudner
Emma Brudner




This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Sales blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

In the age of selfies, bad photography runs rampant. Duck lips, bathroom pictures, too close close ups -- the list of photography faux pas is seemingly endless.

A poorly angled selfie or two (or 100) might not be so bad on Facebook. But put those same pictures on LinkedIn, and watch your connection accept rate take a nosedive.  

The following infographic from Sales For Life visually depicts the top eight LinkedIn profile picture no-nos, from using an out of date photo to posting a snapshot of your cat. (Note: Photos of your cat are acceptable on all other places on the internet.)

While it's important to have a picture -- your profile is 11 times more likely to be viewed if you have a photo -- it's just as important that it's not one of these.

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