Native Advertising: Understanding the Basics

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Christian Mongillo
Christian Mongillo



 You've heard it a million times, native advertising is the next big thing. But what exactly is native advertising, and why is it causing such a stir for brands, agencies, and publishers alike?

native advertising: image shows pink and yellow brick wall

For publishers in particular, native is a chance to put editorial expertise to work for advertisers and brands. This provides a more trusted and valuable, channel to reach readers as compared to banner or traditional display advertising. In fact, according to our most recent research, 54% of publishers cite sponsored content and native advertising as the revenue streams poised to increase most in value over the next two years.Click here to take inspiration from the best marketing and ad campaigns we've  ever seen.For more on why exactly native advertising is poised to succeed, and what can publishers do to help, take a look at the infographic below from The Huffington Post. Native-Age infographic

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