Optimizing Your Workspace for Employee Productivity [Infographic]

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Kathryn Wheeler
Kathryn Wheeler




A hot topic lately has been about increasing employee productivity in the workplace while also increasing satisfaction. There are a lot of factors that go into the ability to get things done amidst distractions galore. Whether it’s a conversation between two colleagues at their desks, your phone buzzing with text messages and social media alerts, or an uncomfortable desk chair, distractions are everywhere.

Luckily, there are things you can do to help! Creating a more comfortable work space for your employees will not only help them accomplish tasks, but it will help them look forward to coming to work every day.

There are a lot of physical changes you can make to an office space to maximize productivity, from wall colors to lighting to the work stations that each employee sits at. It’s important to ask for employee feedback before undergoing any major or minor design projects to make sure you are improving the workplace experience.

Open or Closed?

One of the biggest debates when it comes to office design is whether an open layout or a traditional cubicle style is more effective. We have seen some of the most innovative companies, like Facebook, adopt an open design where employees sit in long rows of desks with no walls separating them. Open office designs allow for more creative thinking and collaboration, but it can also provide a noisier environment, which can be distracting for some.

On the other hand, a cubicle-filled office provides more privacy and potential for less distraction. It can minimize noise, which is helpful if your employees are required to make frequent calls to customers. However, one downside is the potential for less socialization amongst employees. Having communal spaces like a break room or kitchen can help break this barrier and encourage mingling.

Organizing for Productivity

It’s tough to know where to begin when there are endless design options to choose from. However, below are some elements that you should consider when redesigning or updating your office space.


Changing the layout or design of an office isn’t just about improving productivity; it’s also about making the work space an inviting and enjoyable place for people to spend 40 hours of their week. It’s important to encourage employees to personalize their desk so they feel more at home and relaxed while working.

Employees greatly value flexibility and a company’s openness to innovation and adaptation as the working world changes. It makes them feel valued, like they aren’t just a machine accomplishing tasks.

Consider displaying company goals or mottos on the walls or in shared spaces to remind employees why you’re there in the first place. Creating a sense of comradery will increase engagement with employees and make them want to work hard.

The Bottom Line

When designing your space, think about how your business and industry operates. What works best for Facebook may not necessarily work for an accounting firm. Take the time to do your research before committing to any type of design project, and gradually introduce changes so you don’t overwhelm employees.

Modifying your office’s design isn’t the solution to all of your challenges, but it’s certainly a great place to get started. For some modern design ideas, check out these unique office spaces!

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Topics: Office Space

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