18 Best Sales Tracking Software

Learn About HubSpot's Sales Hub
Justin Najar


Hitting your goals requires tracking your progress along the way. It’s like running a marathon. You can’t train if you don’t know how far you’re jogging. That’s why you need sales tracking software to help hit your revenue goals.

woman uses the best sales tracking software on her ipad

The right software can help your sales team optimize its strategies and close more deals. You’ll also know which leads you should prioritize.

This post reviews 18 of the top sales tracking software packages available today to help you select the right one for your team. But first, let's explore how sales tracking software work.

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What is a sales tracking software?

Sales tracking software helps businesses track, analyze, and monitor information about their sales activities. This software provides sales teams with information about their prospects, the status of current deals, and the sales pipeline's health.

The best sales tracking software enables sales teams to close a higher rate of deals with a greater average value. It also allows them to quickly identify and fix sales pipeline problems.

Sales tracking software also provides managers with useful analytics and KPIs. You can then track, measure, and improve the performance of sales team members.

What should you look for in sales tracking software?

There are dozens of sales tracking software solutions available today. Each has a different combination of features that can help your sales team. With so many options, it’s easy to feel some analysis paralysis when choosing one for your business.

Make your search easier by focusing on the following eight basic features.

Revenue Per Sale. Total Addressable Market. Activity Reports. Funnel Reports. Won (and Lost) Opportunities

1. Conversion Rate

The conversion rate tells you what percentage of your leads convert into sales. This information can tell you about the health of your sales pipeline. You can also find which areas need improvement.

Once you know your conversion rate, you can adjust your sales process as needed. Aim to bring your conversion rate in line with, or even above, industry standards. Then, adjust your initial sales pitch, lead nurturing process, and other components of your sales pipeline. You can then measure the effectiveness of your changes.

Whatever sales tracking software you choose, make sure it tracks your conversion rate. This number is the single most vital sales metric you’ll need to know.

2. Lead Tracking

As new leads come into your sales pipeline, the more information you know about them, the better chance you’ll have to convert them. Pick sales marketing software that can track these three key pieces of information:

  1. Basic information. Who are your leads? The more information you can record about your leads, the more likely you can convert them. Choose software that allows you to build profiles for your leads. Include their name, contact information, and other relevant information.
  2. Sales by lead source. Where are your leads coming from? By knowing which channels produce the most leads, you can better deploy your marketing resources. You can also nurture leads more effectively.
  3. Lifecycle stage. What stage of the buyer’s journey best describes your lead? Some leads are closer to purchasing than others. Choose sales tracking software that allows you to record which stage of the buyer’s journey a lead is in as they move through your pipeline.

The more you know about your prospects and leads, the more likely you will be able to close them. The most effective sales tracking software allows you to record a wealth of information about every lead. This information can then be viewed by every person in your organization who needs it.

3. Revenue Per Sale

Making a sale is one thing. How much revenue it actually brings in is another. The revenue per sale metric allows you to understand the value of your individual and overall sales. If your company‘s revenue doesn’t match the conversion rate, you know it’s time to adjust your strategy.

Revenue per sale metrics are beneficial if your company offers many individual products. With this information, you can identify areas of opportunity, as well as problem deals that cost more than they’re worth. The average revenue per sale metric also gives you a quick overview of the typical sale price in one or more segments of your business.

4. Sales Forecasting

Sales forecasting is a must for any company. The right sales tracking software can help you create accurate sales forecasts by aggregating the vast amount of data. These forecasts can help your business anticipate any downturns and prepare for them. You can also ramp up capacity to take advantage of expected sales surges.

5. Total Addressable Market

How much revenue can your business generate with each product or service it offers? Some sales tracking software packages track your business's total addressable market (TAM). This overview can give you a better sense of the size of your available opportunities.

A feature such as a TAM calculator can help you gauge your level of market penetration. Your TAM can provide insight into how many resources you should devote to expanding your footprint in a specific sector.

6. Activity Reports

It’s impossible to keep track of every interaction your sales team has with their leads, right? Not with sales tracking software! A good solution will allow your salespeople to record when and how many times they contacted a lead. You should also record which channel they used (phone, email, social, etc.) and the content of each interaction.

What insights could you gain if your sales team could track every interaction they have? With the activity reports from your sales tracking software, you can identify gaps in your sales pipeline and better coach your team. You can also help craft custom interactions to improve the likelihood of converting.

7. Funnel Reports

Do you know what’s happening in each segment of your sales funnel? A good sales tracking software produces funnel reports that give a real-time view of each component of your sales funnel.

Funnel reports can help you detect any problems preventing prospects from moving to the next stage. They can also help your team make better sense of complex sales data at a glance.

8. Won (and Lost) Opportunities

Why did your sales team knock some deals out of the park but helplessly watch as others fell through? With sales tracking software, you can review win and loss reports. You’ll be able to check what worked and what didn’t for each deal and adjust your sales process.

18 Best Sales Tracking Software

Which sales tracking software package is right for your business? We’ve collected 18 of the best solutions on the market today and highlighted the features you could find most useful.

1. HubSpot - Sales Hub Sales Tracking Software

Get started for free with Sales Hub.

HubSpot’s Sales Hub Tracking Software brings all your sales information into one easy-to-use location. With Sales Hub, your entire team can access your sales information. You can see the stage of each deal in your pipeline and critical information about each prospect.

You can also set permissions to grant team members access to only the information they need. This makes it easy to customize the software across your company.

What we like: HubSpot has many integrations, making it easy to use Sales Hub with your favorite software. It also has a user-friendly interface, making it easy to train new team members to be power users.

Pricing: For businesses and enterprises, there are two options: Professional plans for five paid users cost $450 per month, and enterprise plans for 10 paid users cost $1,200 per month. For individuals and small teams, there are three options. Free plans are available. Starter plans for two users cost $45 per month, and professional plans for five users cost $450 per month.

2. Salesflare


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Data entry is the bane of many small- and medium-sized businesses. Keeping track of information as you scale can lead to countless growing pains.

Salesflare is an excellent solution to reduce workloads across your business. Salesflare saves companies up to 70% of their time on data entry, making it easy to keep track of customers and all communication. It links up to your Gmail, Microsoft 365, and LinkedIn to make sure you don't have to switch tabs at any point. Each customer gets a dedicated document folder, making it easy to grow your business.

Best for: B2B sales for small or medium-sized businesses.

Pricing: Salesflare offers a free trial of up to 30 days and three paid plans. Growth plans cost $35 per user monthly. Pro plans cost $55 per user monthly. Enterprise plans cost $99 per user monthly for an annual subscription of five or more users.

3. Nutshell

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Keeping track of sales can be a hassle, even for the most well-oiled teams. Tasks can fall through the cracks. You could lose touch with clients, and, perhaps worst of all, you could have no idea how well your team is performing.

Nutshell solves all those problems for you. With its extensive automation capabilities, Nutshell offers a set-and-forget process for managing your pipeline. Nutshell also has features that let you meet your prospects where they are. You can reach them through emails or create custom forms to move them closer to conversion.

Pro tip: Create custom segmented email lists so you can cultivate new leads.

Pricing: Nutshell costs $19 per user monthly. Nutshell pro plans cost $49 per user a month. Nutshell limitless costs $4,975 per month for unlimited users.

4. EngageBay

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If you want to build your sales software without losing track of your data, EngageBay is the sales tracking software for you. EngageBay places all your client information in one place. There are also dozens of in-house additions you can implement.

The software is easy to use and has extensive free software options. EngageBay is an excellent place to start if you’re just beginning to use sales tracking software.

Pro tip: A free sales tracking software package like EngageBay can often perform as well as more expensive options. Try a free plan first.

Pricing: Free plans are available. Basic plans cost $12.74 per user a month. Growth plans cost $42.49 per user a month. Pro plans cost $84.99 per user a month.

5. BIGContacts

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Are you looking for sales tracking software that’s simple to use and can track lots of contacts? BIGContacts is perfect for businesses that need a way to keep in touch with and manage their prospects.

With BIGContacts, you can upload your existing contacts to the software. You then create an automated drip marketing campaign to convert them. You can also build custom emails, forms, and tracking options to reach your prospects better.

Best for: Small businesses or sales teams that need to track many contacts.

Pricing: EngageBay has four different pricing options, all billed annually. BIG plans cost $5 per user a month. BIGGER plans cost $15 per user a month. BIGGEST plans cost $25 per user a month. Enterprise pricing is available upon request.

6. LeadSquaredScreenshot 2023-10-12 at 3.51.00 PM

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Sales tracking, which is already a challenge for businesses, gets tougher to manage as your team grows. LeadSquared is an efficient and scalable sales CRM that allows you to track the performance of your sales teams—inside sales, call centers, and on-field. 

The tool offers an in-depth view of the sales funnel, lead stages, and sales journeys. With pipeline management, you can ensure deals move toward closures. LeadSquared stands apart for its target vs achievement report for daily, weekly, and monthly tracking and sales performance management. 

What we like: The mobile CRM is extremely easy to use and allows salespeople to complete and update their deals on the go. Geo-fencing allows their managers to track the progress they've made throughout the day.

Pricing: The Lite plan is priced at $25 per user per month, whereas the Pro and Super plans cost $50 per user per month and $100 per user per month respectively. Enterprise businesses can also request a custom plan.

7. Pipedrive

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Want to create complete sales pipelines for your prospects? Pipedrive has all the tools you need to develop specialized journeys for everyone coming through your sales funnel.

Pipedrive’s sales software has extensive automation features that make it easy to manage your sales pipeline. It's analytic features allow you to measure the effectiveness of your sales strategy. Pipedrive also features robust emailing options, allowing you to reach contacts through the platform and send real-time notifications.

What we like: Pipedrive makes it easy to get a handle on your sales pipeline in one, easy-to-understand visual.

Pricing: Essential plans cost $14.90 per user a month. Advanced plans cost $24.90 per user a month. Professional plans cost $49.50 per user a month. Enterprise plans cost $99 per user a month.

7. Bitrix24

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Bitrix24 is a complete sales software suite. It features lead acquisition and management tools along with powerful analytics capabilities. It also includes sales automation features to reduce your team’s workload.

What we like: Bitrix24 features endless customization options. You can also build your tracking software alongside other technology to ensure compatibility.

Pricing: Free plans are available. Basic plans cost $61 per user a month for five users. Standard plans cost $124 per user a month for 50 users. Professional plans cost $249 per user a month for 100 users.

8. Copper

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Copper could be the right sales software for you if client retention is a must. Copper integrates with Google Workspace, making it easy to sync your contacts. That also makes Copper simple to set up, compared to some CRMs that take weeks to be fully operational.

Copper allows you to take information scattered across dozens of email accounts and visualize it in a single sales pipeline. Thanks to its integration with Google Workplace, you can add or remove integrations as needed.

Best for: Companies that work with customers who make long-term, considered purchases, such as real estate.

Pricing: Basic plans cost $29 per user a month. Professional plans cost $69 per user a month. Business plans cost $134 per user a month.

9. Freshsales


If you need to create custom sales journeys for many of the contacts in your sales pipeline, check out Freshsales. Their sales tracking software lets you get a 360 view of your customers and their information.

Freshsales also features an extensive array of tools that organize information across your sales pipeline. You can then reach out to prospects across social media, email, phone calls, and more.

Freshsales’ sales tracking software also features extensive automation capabilities, reducing your busy work. Its robust, AI-assisted capabilities allow you to identify areas of potential improvement.

Pro tip: Take advantage of their sales intelligence features to help your team make better decisions across the customer life cycle.

Pricing: Free plans are available. Growth plans cost $18 per user a month. Pro plans cost $47 per user a month. Enterprise plans cost $83 per user a month.

10. Close

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Are you looking for a low-cost sales engine to help your team? Close takes just minutes to set up and includes extensive sales features. Unique among sales tracking software, Close was built by and for salespeople.

Close has features built specifically for sales representatives and operations team members. For sales representatives, Close allows your team to automate many daily tasks, including reaching out to prospects. Close features numerous integration options for sales operations to seamlessly blend in with your tech stack.

What we like: Close works exceptionally well with remote teams and startups.

Pricing: Starter plans cost $29 per user a month. Basic plans cost $69 per user a month. Professional plans cost $99 per user a month. Business plans cost $149 per user a month.

11. Insightly

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Insightly sales tracking software can be an ideal solution for businesses that need to scale. Insightly is relatively simple and unites information siloed across your sales team in one area.

Insightly allows your sales team to route customers along your pipeline in real time. This ability allows your sales team to contact them by their preferred method — whether by email, phone, or social media.

The software includes extensive workflow automation, which can reduce busy work. Insightly also helps your team send and track emails, ensuring no communication gets lost.

Best for: Growing teams looking for clean, easy-to-use, and adaptable sales tracking software.

Pricing: Insightly has three different pricing options for its CRM, all billed annually. Plus plans cost $29 per user a month. Professional plans cost $49 per user a month. Enterprise plans cost $99 per user a month.

12. Agile

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Agile’s sales tracking software could be right for your organization if you're trying to create a process-driven sales team. Agile allows you to create numerous processes for moving prospects across your sales pipeline toward conversion. It has over 50 sales features that can help you create bespoke processes depending on what types of leads your sales team brings in.

With Agile, you can also achieve a higher ROI with each interaction. Agile includes sophisticated lead-scoring features, telephone integration, and an industry-leading autodialer. A lead prospector also helps you easily plug into Google Chrome and find prospects.

Best for: Agile suits large organizations with numerous contacts and competitive sales teams.

Pricing: Agile is free for up to 10 users. Starter plans cost $14.99 per user a month. Regular plans cost $49.99 per user a month. Enterprise plans cost $79.99 per user a month.

13. Salesforce

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Often referred to as the Microsoft of sales tracking software, Salesforce is an industry standard. Sales teams looking to drive ROI can benefit from a vast range of tools through the Salesforce Sales Cloud. In a survey of over 3,000 sales teams, respondents reported a 29% increase in productivity on average when using Salesforce.

The Salesforce Sales Cloud includes built-in opportunity management, sales automation, and forecast management features. These can help your team get a handle on current prospects and seamlessly move them through your sales pipeline.

Their revenue cloud, sales engagement, and territorial planning features offer your team more granular control over sales strategies.

What we like: Salesforce is a tried and true sales tracking software that can deliver known results.

Pricing: Essentials plans cost $25 per user a month for up to 10 users. Professional plans cost $75 per user a month. Enterprise plans cost $150 per user a month. Unlimited plans cost $300 per user a month.

14. Sugar

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Sugar is the world’s most intelligent sales tracking software. You can derive greater insights from your data. It also provides more sophisticated sales automation solutions than many other software packages. With more information about each customer, Sugar is adept at boosting customer retention.

Sugar users report a 23% increase in revenue and a 30% higher win rate when using the software. Sugar integrates AI in many features, allowing your sales team to be more productive with fewer resources.

The software can also provide real-time alerts and insights, helping you take advantage of opportunities immediately.

Best for: Data-heavy sales teams that need to derive insight from data to maximize ROI.

Pricing: Sugar offers a basic plan starting at $49 a month per user. Pricing is available upon request for custom plans.

15. Vtiger

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If your sales team is like most, your customer data is scattered across email accounts, text messages, and notes. Vtiger excels at compiling your information into one spot. The software also serves as a central location for all the disparate tools in your organization.

Vtiger allows you to build a sales pipeline with input from every team member. Its sales software can help your team sell faster while bringing more customer delight. Unique among the sales tracking software offerings, Vtiger is open-source and maintains a thriving community that improves its features.

Best for: Sales teams that require custom features that aren’t available on other sales tracking software platforms.

Pricing: Professional standard plans cost $42 per user a month. Professional, single-app plans cost $28 per user a month. Enterprise, standard plans cost $58 per user a month. Enterprise plans cost $42 per user a month.

16. Zoho

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Privacy is paramount in today’s advertising marketplace, and Zoho places it front and center. Zoho promises never to sell your data to advertisers, which gives your clients more peace of mind. With 25 years in the industry, Zoho is a trustworthy steward of sensitive information.

In addition to respecting your privacy, Zoho offers a robust sales tracking software solution. Zoho’s unified cloud can serve as a central location for all your client data and the tools your team uses. Zoho allows the sales team to streamline their operations while breaking down silos.

What we like: Zoho’s transparency and commitment to privacy set it apart from many other sales tracking vendors.

Pricing: Standard plans cost $20 per user a month. Professional plans cost $35 per user a month. Enterprise plans cost $50 per user a month. Ultimate plans cost $65 per user a month.

17. Less Annoying

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Are you looking for a noninvasive tool with one of the highest client satisfaction rankings among any sales tracking software suite? Look no further than Less Annoying. This sales tracking software is simple for your team to use.

Less Annoying lacks some of the advanced features that other solutions provide. However, for teams working on a budget, Less Annoying can be an attractive alternative.

Best for: Sales teams that need a simple sales tracking software solution without complex features.

Pricing: Less Annoying is just $15 per user a month for up to 10 users, and you can cancel anytime. For more users, pricing is available upon request.

Getting Started With Sales Tracking Software

Sales tracking software can help you navigate a chaotic, competitive landscape. The right solution allows your sales team to track their KPIs, prioritize leads, and increase the average value of each deal. Your company can also use this software to correct problems in the sales process.

With the right software, your business can improve its overall operations. You’ll also be able to forecast future revenue — or downturns — and take action to survive rough patches your business may face.

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