September might as well be renamed "National Moving Month" for college students. If you're a family member, friend, or very distant acquaintance (hey, anyone with arms will do) of an undergrad, odds are you have some bruises from attempting to cram a couch into a teeny dorm room or moving a box spring up three flights of stairs. There's no doubt about it -- moving is a pain (sometimes literally).
This isn't much different in the world of technology. Moving data from one system to the next can be a major stressor -- especially when vital information is on the line. But with the vision of an easy-to-use, sleek, and wildly beneficial new system dancing in their heads, business leaders persevere through the discomfort.
Wouldn't it be nice if the moving process wasn't such a headache? The following infographic from Cloud Elements provides a step-by-step guide for moving your customer and prospect data to a new CRM. And if that new CRM is HubSpot's totally free CRM? All the better -- scroll to the "Bulk Loader" section for specific instructions on how to get up and running with HubSpot CRM.