How to Avoid Making a Bad Impression During a Business Lunch

Written by: Lindsay Kolowich Cox
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This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Marketing blog. For more content like this, subscribe to Marketing.

Impressions matter -- especially in business. Oftentimes, you'll find you have to make a good impression over a business lunch. As it turns out, your choices and behavior at these meals can be very, very important to your success.

And yet, many people aren't sure of proper dining etiquette. If it's just the two of your at a four-person table, where do you sit? When is it okay to order an alcoholic drink? How fast should you eat? Which foods should you avoid ordering?

Wonder no more. In this short and entertaining video, adapted from Esquire editor and Entrepreneur etiquette columnist Ross McCammon's book How to Work Well With Others, you'll learn some great tips on how to conduct yourself at a business lunch. It covers everything you'll want to learn to make a good impression and avoid embarrassment -- from notorious tooth magnets to whether you should offer to split the check. Check it out.

What are your best business dining tips? Share them with us in the comments section below.

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