Sales Coaching

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Executives and managers have a lot to focus on: their company’s health and strategy, as well as the development and productivity of their direct reports. Trying to balance those two tasks can create tough situations.
Between mentoring, training, and counseling an employee, it can sometimes seem as if the individual requires more effort than the company. But getting the most out of an employee, though, isn’t about mentoring, training, or counseling. Instead, according to Leggett & Platt, coaching is what actually matters most for employee success.
But how do you become a great coach? Should you focus on the person or their career (or both)? Do coaches teach their direct reports how to do everything step-by-step or do they let the employee figure our their own unique strategy and solution?
The following SlideShare provides insights into how to master the art of coaching. While we all want our employees to be successful, it’s not solely on them to do a great job -- it’s on you as a manager to to coach ‘em up, too.
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