Charlie Brown & Jensie Miksich

Charlie Brown & Jensie Miksich

Charlie is the CEO of Context Partners, and he and his team pinpoint what’s important among groups, design engagements toward shared purpose and develop strategies to manage relationships at-scale for a brand or cause. His work has strengthened millions of relationships for clients including Microsoft, The Rockefeller Foundation and Frontier Communications. Jensie is a founding partner and the brand director of Context Partners. She leads thought leadership at the firm through a custom publication, The Practice Papers, and, as a writer, Jensie has contributed to work featured in FastCo.EXIST, Mashable, Vanity Fair, Harvard Business Review, and Stanford Social Innovation Review among others.

Looking to elevate customer experience?

Charlie Brown & Jensie Miksich recommends these Customer Onboarding Templates to lead your new customers through their first several months.