80 Customer Service Statistics to Know in 2024 (+ State of Service Data)

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Swetha Amaresan
Swetha Amaresan



Customer service has become the prime battleground for businesses looking to differentiate themselves and win over loyal customers. The latest data is clear: Customers want to invest in brands that focus on their needs and constantly provide value beyond the initial purchase.

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Let’s explore some key customer service statistics that will help you understand the landscape better and brainstorm new strategies for strengthening your service team. And if you're in a pinch, jump right to the stats you need.

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    80 Customer Service Stats to Know

    The Importance of High-Quality Customer Service

    customer service statistics, 88% of customers say good customer service makes them more likely to purchase again.

    1. 77% of business leaders recognize offering personalized support experiences leads to increased customer retention. (Zendesk)
    2. 88% of customers say good customer service makes them more likely to purchase again. (Salesforce Research)
    3. 80% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its product or services. (Salesforce Research)
    4. 81% of the leaders see customer experience and support as growing priorities over the next year. (Zendesk)

    The Power of Great Customer Service (& The Cost of Poor Customer Service)

    customer service statistics, 56% of the consumers feel positive about their support interactions over the past year.

    5. 56% of the consumers feel positive about their support interactions over the past year. (Zendesk)
    6. If the company’s customer service is excellent, 75% of consumers will do business with them again, even after making a mistake. (Salesforce Research)
    7. 75% of customers say they have recommended a company based on excellent customer service. (Salesforce Research)
    8. After more than one bad experience, around 73% of consumers say they would rather do business with a competitor. (Zendesk)

    The Best Channels for Customer Service

    9. 72% of people who regularly interact with customer service bots indicate that the quality has improved and dissatisfaction levels have continued to drop. (Zendesk)
    10. 72% of customers stated that they have used self-service portals, and 55% have used self-service chatbots. (Salesforce Research)
    11. 19% of social media users have sent DMs for customer service. (HubSpot, State of Consumer Trends)
    12. 1 in 5 Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X say social media DMs are their preferred channel to get customer service from a company. (HubSpot, State of Consumer Trends)

    customer service statistics, dms

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    13. 93% of customers use emails to engage with companies, followed by phone at 88%. (Salesforce Research)
    14. 28.1% of companies use email to offer support to their customers, followed closely by phone. (KlausApp)

    customer service statistics, chatbot data

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    15. 78% of customers who interact with chatbots say that they end up needing to connect with a human agent anyway. (Zendesk)
    16. 65% of leaders believe their chatbots are becoming more natural and human-like. (Zendesk)
    17. 42% of customer service pros who use AI/automation tools state that AI chatbots that respond to customer service requests are very effective. (Hubspot, State of AI)
    18. 33% of customer service pros who use AI/automation tools state that AI tools that monitor social media for customer-service-related issues are very effective. (Hubspot, State of AI)
    19. 31% of customer service leaders used AI chatbots for customer service in 2023 and 71% of them say they’ll increase their investment in AI chatbots. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)
    20. 42% of companies offer customer service through email, 41% through social media, and 38% through phone calls. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)

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      Customer Experience Trends

      21. 26% of customer service reps say that their top goal for 2024 is to offer a personalized experience at large. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)
      22. 21% of customer service reps find it challenging to adapt to increasingly demanding customer expectations. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)
      23. 44.5% of customer service pros plan to scale their customer experience operations by hiring more support reps and using AI (and automation) throughout the customer experience. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)
      24. 10% of leaders say they plan to invest in AI chatbots and omnichannel customer support in 2024. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)
      25. 28.6% of customer service pros say that the best metrics to track are customer satisfaction score, customer retention, average response time, average resolution time, and customer lifetime value. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)
      26. 68% of customer service leaders say they use a CRM as part of their customer service operations. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)
      27. In 2024, 68% of customer support leaders will focus more on offering customers better tools to solve issues independently. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)
      28. When choosing a customer experience software solution, 44% of customer service reps want to improve the customer experience, while 40% want to improve communication and collaboration between teams. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)
      29. 70% of customer service leaders say that their company has a single source of truth, which is a centralized and accessible repository containing the company’s data. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)
      30. 42.5% of leaders say that their customer success team is aligned with their company sales team, while 4% of them say that their customer success and sales teams are not aligned at all. (HubSpot, State of Customer Service)

      Benefits of Using AI/Automation in Customer Service

      customer service statistics, AI benefits

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      31. 67% of support leaders believe they are already seeing value from their automation efforts (chatbots, automatic routing, etc.). (Intercom)
      32. 70% of consumers expect anyone they interact with at the company to have the full context of their purchase history, previous interactions, and so on. (Zendesk)
      33. 53% of customers believe generative AI will help companies better serve customers. (Salesforce Research)

      customer service statistics, AI benefits

      34. Service professionals save more than 2 hours a day using generative AI to respond to customers quickly. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      35. 58% of leaders believe an AI-powered support experience would inspire customer trust. (Intercom)
      36. 74% of service reps think that AI tools will be able to access and use data about consumers quickly. (Zendesk)
      37. 84% of customer service reps who use AI say it makes it easier to respond to tickets. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      38. 64% of customer service reps who use AI say it helps them personalize their correspondences. (HubSpot, State of AI)

      customer service statistics, AI benefits

      39. 60% of the support leaders stated that the AI possibility they were most excited about was the faster response. (Intercom)
      40. 53% of the support teams are concerned about how AI can negatively affect the customer service sector. (Intercom)
      41. 61% of customer service professionals believe that most reps will use AI/automation in their role by 2024. (HubSpot, State of AI)

      customer service statistics, AI benefits

      42. 73% of the customers think AI will improve customer service quality. (Zendesk)
      43. 73% of support leaders believe customers will expect AI-assisted customer service in the next five years. (Intercom)
      44. 52% of support leaders say that ChatGPT has worried them about falling behind in implementing AI solutions. (Intercom)
      45. 80% of the customer support specialists agree that AI/automation tools can help them spend less time on manual tasks (data entry, scheduling meetings, etc.) (HubSpot, State of AI)
      46. 78% of customer support specialists agree that AI/automation tools can help them be more efficient. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      47. 66% of customer support specialists agree that AI/automation tools can help personalize the experience customers get with their company. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      48. 62% of customer support specialists agree that AI/automation tools can help them understand their customers better. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      49. 71% of customer support specialists agree that AI/automation tools can help improve customers' overall experience with their company. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      50. 55% of customer support specialists agree that by 2024, most software they use will have AI or automation capabilities built-in. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      51. 66% of customer service pros who use AI/automation agree that by 2024, AI/automation tools will be able to do most customer service related tasks independently. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      52. 84% of customer service pros who use AI/automation agree that by 2024, AI/automation tools can make it easier for them to respond to customer service requests. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      53. 42% of customer service pros who use AI/automation state that AI tools that collect and analyze customer feedback will significantly improve the customer experience. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      54. 22% of customer service pros who use AI/automation state that AI tools help them optimize the customer service process. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      55. Reps who use chatbots to respond to customer service requests save up to 2 hours and 20 minutes a day. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      56. 44% of customer service pros state that they don't use AI because consumers prefer to interact with a human over AI. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      57. Of all the customer service specialists that say the number of people on their team decreased in 2024 (7% of all recipients), 64% say that AI reduces the need for customer service reps. (HubSpot, State of AI)
      58. Of all the customer service leaders that say their budget for customer service decreased in 2024, 30% say that AI made customer service operations more cost-effective. (HubSpot, State of AI)

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        Sharing Customer Service Experiences

        customer service statistics, 52% of customers say they don’t share their bad or good service experiences through social media.

        59. 48% of consumers overall will share their customer service experience, whether good or bad. More than a third report posting on Facebook, followed closely by Instagram. (CFI Group)
        60. 85% of American customers will recommend a company whose service they rate as “very good.” (Qualtrics XM Institute)
        61. 52% of customers say they don’t share their bad or good service experiences through social media. (CFI Group)
        62. 77% of customers expect to interact with someone immediately when they contact a company. (Salesforce Research)
        63. 42% of customer service pros believe that AI will completely transform the experience customers get with their company. (HubSpot, 2024 State of Customer Service)
        64. 49.5% of customer service specialists believe that a human specialist should be assisted by AI to resolve customer service requests/tickets. (HubSpot, 2024 State of Customer Service)
        65. 42% of customer service pros who use AI say that AI helps them collect and analyze feedback from customers about their experience. (HubSpot, 2024 State of Customer Service)

        The Business Opportunity of Customer Service

        customer service statistics, 60% of support leaders expect to reduce support costs over the next five years by adopting AI

        66. Consumers are 1.9x more likely to purchase from a company after a 5-star experience than a 1- or 2-star experience. (Qualtrics XM Institute)
        67. 60% of support leaders expect to reduce support costs over the next five years by adopting AI (Intercom)
        68. 29% of customer service leaders whose companies have invested in AI/automation tools state that it has returned a very positive ROI. In comparison, 47% of them say it has returned a somewhat positive ROI. (HubSpot, State of AI)
        69. 26% of customer service leaders whose companies haven't invested in AI/automation tools yet plan to invest in them in 2023. (HubSpot, State of AI)
        70. 43% of customer service leaders state that they will increase their investment in AI/automation tools over the course of 2023. (HubSpot, State of AI
        71. 70% of organizations plan to invest in AI and automation for customer service in the next 12 months. (KlausApp)
        72. 55% of support leaders claim that ChatGPT has made them more likely to invest in AI in the coming year. (Intercom)

        Customer Experience Statistics

        customer service statistics, 21% of customers expect their ticket to be resolved immediately, while 23% expect it to be resolved within an hour. Another 23% of customers expect resolution within one to three hours.

        73. 52% of consumers state that support interactions leave them exhausted, and 55% feel increasingly stressed. (Zendesk)
        74. 59% of customers believe businesses should personalize their experiences based on the data they collect about them. (Zendesk)
        75. 56% of customers say they have to repeat or re-explain information to different representatives. (Salesforce Research)
        76. 21% of customers expect their ticket to be resolved immediately, while 23% expect it to be resolved within an hour. Another 23% of customers expect resolution within one to three hours. (HubSpot, 2024 State of Customer Service)

        Customer Satisfaction Statistics

        77. The average customer satisfaction rate is 19% for chat, 5% for email, and 5% for phone. (KlausApp)
        58% of agents state that the lack of consumer data often causes negative experiences for customers. (Zendesk)
        34% of customer service reps describe the service their customers get from them as “Excellent,” while 38% describe it as great. Only 1% describe their service as “Poor. (HubSpot, 2024 State of Customer Service)
        47% of customer service reps describe their service as “Very personalized,” while 45% describe it as “Somewhat personalized”. (HubSpot, 2024 State of Customer Service)

        Customer Service is More Important Than Ever

        The importance of good customer service can’t be overstated. By investing in a strong service team and the right tools, you can improve customer satisfaction, reduce churn, and increase revenue. Let data drive your customer-first approach.

        Editor's Note: This post was originally published in February 2021 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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