How To Write a Customer Success Resume

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Flori Needle
Flori Needle



A customer success manager (CSM) guides customers from the sales process to the support stage. It’s a critical position to have, as you’re ensuring that customers can successfully begin using your product or service and achieve success.

customer success manager resume

As a result, a customer success manager's resume needs to show hiring managers and recruiters that you possess the skills to help customers succeed, stay satisfied, and continue as customers of a business. Read on to discover how to create an effective customer success manager resume.

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Customer Success Manager Resume Best Practices

Let’s review some best practices that apply to all sections of your customer success manager resume.

First, always relate your work history and skills to the position you’re applying for. You’ll contextualize your experience to the new role, and hiring managers and recruiters will know exactly how you stand in relation to job requirements and expectations. To do this, thoroughly read the job description and use keywords in your resume that align with the role's responsibilities.

You also should support your role responsibilities and experiences with metrics and figures that prove your achievements. For example, you can say that you improved your customer satisfaction rate but including your actual customer satisfaction rate and how you improved it makes that statement all the more powerful. We’ll go over examples of what this could look like below. JUMP LINK

Lastly, you also want to use action verbs. They are more effective and impactful as they clearly show what you did and were responsible for.

Make sure to keep these best practices in mind throughout each step of the process. Now let’s go over how to begin writing your customer success manager resume.

How to Write a Customer Success Resume

1. Start from a template.

The easiest way to begin creating your customer success resume is to start from a template. That way, the format is already set, and you simply have to input your experience that helps you stand out from the crowd and proves your skills. HubSpot has a selection of templates available to download for free that you can easily customize to your needs.

customer success manager resume templates

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2. Note your education and contact information.

The first and easiest section to complete in your resume is your education and contact information. The template you’ve chosen likely has an education section, where you should add the name of the institution you attended and the degrees you’ve received. Here you can also note any additional relevant certifications you may have.

Templates also include a space for contact information, where you’ll share your full name, phone number, email, and address.

If you’re building your resume from scratch, note that contact information and education are typically at the top of a resume.

3. Note your work experience.

The most essential part of your resume is the work experience section.

Here, you’ll detail the experiences that prove your ability to succeed in your new role and the skills that set you apart from the competition. You’ll likely have various experiences to note, so highlight key achievements from every role.

When writing this section, the most important things to do are:

  • Describe your experience from your previous roles.

When describing your responsibilities in your previous role, it’s important to be specific with what you did. Let’s go over an example using the following two options:

Option 1: “Improved the customer experience.”

Option 2: “Monitored complaints and used customer insights to create a new onboarding process that reduced customer effort score.”

customer success manager resume examples

Option 2 is much more powerful because, like option 1, it says that you improved the customer experience, but it says exactly how you did it, giving hiring managers and recruiters more insight into your specific type of customer service experience.

It’s also important to use action verbs so you’re specific in your responsibilities. For example, if you managed a project yourself, it's more impactful to say “Led,” “Managed,” or “Directed” than “worked on.”

  • Highlight your key achievements in your previous role.

As mentioned in the best practices section, using metrics to support your achievements is more impactful than just saying it with words. Let’s go over an example using the following two options:

Option 1: “Brought customers quick support.”

Option 2: “Provided customers with quick and relevant solutions to their needs, achieving a 96% customer satisfaction rate.”

customer success manager resume examples

Option 1 and 2 say that you’re effective at bringing customers' support, but option 2 shows that customers are so satisfied that you have a high satisfaction rate. Essentially, you’re giving evidence of your success at that task.

Your work experience section is also a great place to highlight any awards or recognitions you received and what you achieved to receive them.

3. Highlight your job-relevant skills.

Your work experience section displays your skills in action, but it’s also important to call attention to the most critical skills you have to help you meet the expectations of your new position.

You’ll know what is expected of you from the job description, and you can make sure to call out your related skills in a separate skills section. Some general customer success manager skills are:

  • Maintaining a customer-first mindset
  • Relationship management
  • In-depth industry knowledge
  • Communication
  • Being an active listener
  • Effective teaching and mentoring
  • Critical thinking
  • Strategic planning
  • Data analysis
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Problem-solving
  • Up-selling and preventing customer churn
  • Customer account management

While you shouldn’t take things off of your resume, you can prioritize the skills that matter most. For example, if your primary experience is working at a call center and you’re stepping up to a general customer success manager role, highlight the transferable skills that will help you succeed.

4. Optional: Include a summary.

A summary is not always required, but it can be a valuable tool for highlighting your experience, skills, and goals in a short and succinct sentence or two. It gives hiring managers a brief overview of who you are and what they can expect to learn more about as they continue reading.

5. Proofread your resume.

The final step (equally important as the others) is proofreading your resume.

You want to ensure it’s legible, understandable, and formatted correctly and that there aren’t any glaring errors that take away from the impact of what you’ve included. The last thing you want is accidental grammatical errors to confuse a hiring manager so much that they don’t continue reading your resume.

Grammarly is a free, high-quality tool that can help with proofreading.

A high-quality CSM resume will get you the job.

A good resume will get you the job you’re applying for, especially if hiring managers and recruiters can see your experience and how you’ll apply it to your new role. Leverage the tips and examples on this list to create your high-quality CSM resume that stands out from the crowd.

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