Top 10 Survey Email Subject Lines To Maximize Your Results

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Alana Chinn
Alana Chinn



You did it — you created the perfect survey. But what's the point if no one takes it?

customer service rep writing a compelling survey email subject line on a laptop

A good survey email subject line is the key to getting customers to open your survey and share their feedback.

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And since customer feedback is invaluable, let's review the best survey titles and survey email subject lines to help guarantee that first click.

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In most cases, your survey title and your survey email subject line may go hand in hand. Let's review some examples of survey titles based on the type of survey you're running.

Customer Feedback Survey Titles

Here are a few customer feedback survey title ideas:

  • How did you find us?
  • Tell us about your last customer service experience.
  • What can we do better?

Net Promoter Score® Survey Titles

Here are a few NPS survey title ideas:

  • How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?
  • Rate us on a scale of 1-10.
  • How do you feel about our product?

Market Research Survey Titles

Here are a few market research survey title ideas:

  • What motivates you to do business with us?
  • Share how you would rate our pricing for this product.
  • Why did you choose our services?

To build on these examples, we'll take a look at ten of the best survey email subject lines in the next section.

Best Subject Lines for Surveys

Below, we've compiled ten captivating survey email subject lines to help you grab your audience's attention and increase survey participation.

1. [Name], we want to hear from you.

Why this works: The name personalization in the subject line makes the outreach more human, and you're letting the customer know that you're listening.

2. How can we do better?

Why this works: You're recognizing that your products and services aren't perfect, but you're also willing to take the necessary steps to improve.

3. Give us your feedback, get 30% off.

Why this works: This shows the customer that you want to create a mutually beneficial relationship, and it incentivizes them to take your survey.

4. Help us help you.

Why this works: This is another relationship-building tactic because it tells the customer that you want to work together to meet their needs.

5. Be honest — how are we doing?

Why this works: By encouraging honesty, you're creating an environment where customers are empowered to speak freely and more likely to contribute their thoughts and ideas.

6. Your opinion matters. Let's chat.

Why this works: You're letting the recipient know that you care about how they feel, and you're giving them a forum to make their thoughts heard.

7. How was [product]? Tell us all about it.

Why this works: The product personalization allows you to specify the type of feedback you're requesting, and it makes the customer feel like you appreciate them as an individual.

8. More than a penny ($25) for your thoughts?

Why this works: This recognizable play on words is eye-catching, and the incentive gives customers a reason to participate in your survey.

9. How do you really feel about [service]?

Why this works: This encourages customers to air out their true feelings, and the service personalization adds that human touch that customers are looking for.

10. Share your feedback, we're all ears.

Why this works: The "we're all ears" phrasing emphasizes that your company is willing to accept feedback with open arms and ready to act on it.

Now that we've reviewed some survey email subject line examples, let's discuss best practices for writing your own.

Now that we've taken a look at some examples, here are some best practices to consider when writing your next survey email subject line.

Align with your goal.

Your survey email subject line should support your overarching survey goal.

Since there are many different types of surveys to choose from, think about the following:

  • Why did you choose that particular survey method?
  • What are you hoping to get out of the survey?
  • How do you plan to leverage the feedback you receive?

Make it clear to customers why you're running the survey so they understand how they can contribute.

Keep it concise.

The best survey email subject lines are short, sweet, and to the point.

You have the body of the email to capture the nitty-gritty details, so only include the most compelling information in the subject.

A good rule of thumb to follow is to keep your subject line under 10 words and to use no more than 40-50 characters.

Make it personal.

Customers want to feel like you value them personally, so it's important to craft a subject line that humanizes the interaction.

Use their name or specific details about their purchase history as part of your survey communications to show them you acknowledge them as an individual.

Highlight incentives.

If you're giving out a reward for survey participation, let your customers know that up front.

You can (and should) highlight discounts, freebies, and other offers directly in the subject line. In other words, tell customers what they'll get in return for their participation. Quid pro quo.

Final Thoughts

Even the best surveys can go unnoticed if they don't have the support of a strong survey email subject line. Use the tips and examples in this article to get the most out of your next survey.

marketing email subject line examples

Topics: Survey Creation

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