14 of the Best Survey Templates to Put in Front of Your Customers

Download Now: 5 Free Customer Survey Templates
Swetha Amaresan
Swetha Amaresan


Customer feedback matters. It matters so much, in fact, that there are many ways to easily obtain it.

survey template examples for your customers

Customer surveys are one of the best research methods available because they provide actionable insights into your customer base at a relatively low cost. In fact, many online survey makers offer basic accounts that let you create and distribute surveys for free. They're also much more time-efficient since researchers don't have to speak with customers directly and can refocus on other tasks while awaiting survey results.

→ Free Download: 5 Customer Survey Templates [Access Now]

In this piece we’ll take a look at some of the best survey templates and survey form examples available online to help you find one that best fits your business needs.

Why Use Survey Templates?

While it's efficient to distribute a survey, creating one can be more tedious. After all, coming up with effective survey questions, putting them in the right order, and giving the survey a custom design can take a lot of time. You can solve this by using a survey template that fits your research and streamlines the creation process.

Survey templates also let you get survey campaigns up and running ASAP. For example, editable survey templates let you quickly add questions that are relevant to your business goals and objectives and then send these surveys to customers. You can also create multiple surveys with different approaches or different formats to see which drives the best open and response rates among customers.

1. HubSpot Customer Satisfaction Survey Template

Download our free, editable survey template.

The HubSpot customer satisfaction survey template is all about simplicity. This increases the chances that customers will stop, fill out the survey, and provide actionable feedback that you can use to make their experience better.

Why it works:

This survey template works because it’s a simple, 0-5 scale that takes only seconds to fill out and provides companies with a general sense of customer satisfaction.

2. HubSpot Customer Effort Score Survey Template

HubSpot Customer Effort Score Survey Template

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The more effort required of customers to solve problems caused by or linked to businesses, the lower their satisfaction. HubSpot’s customer effort score provides at-a-glance metrics that help your company ensure issue resolution is as painless as possible.

Why it works:

Offer up this survey immediately after customers are done chatting with online agents to gauge their gut reaction — since it directly follows the service they receive they’re more likely to provide an honest response.

3. Hubspot Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey Template

Hubspot Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey Template

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Customer referrals can help build your business since prospective clients and buyers are more likely to listen when friends or coworkers rave about your service or product. HubSpot’s NPS Promoter Score template gives you a sense of if you’re doing enough to earn this type of person-to-person promotion.

Why it works:

This template works because it combines a raw score with room for a specific reason, in turn letting your teams take corrective action if scores are low, or boost support for specific operations if scores are high.

4. HubSpot Open-Ended Customer Satisfaction Survey Template

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This survey template lets you create a set of open-ended questions to engage customers in more depth. By asking about what drew customers to your brand, any concerns they may have, or questions that didn’t get answered, you can improve the overall onboarding experience.

Why it works:

This template works because it gives you more freedom to dig into broad questions and discover what customers really think of your company.

5. SuveryMonkey Customer Satisfaction Survey


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This SurveyMonkey template is short and sweet with 10 questions, which is a great length to use when trying to measure customer satisfaction. This template includes some excellent questions that cover product quality, purchase value, quality of customer service, and future purchasing decisions. It also includes an open-ended question at the end that allows customers to fill in additional questions, comments, or concerns.

Why it works:

10 questions with multiple-choice or click-box answers are easy for customers to complete. So long as the questions are short and to the point, this template can provide reliable, actionable feedback.

6. Typeform Customer Feedback Form


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What's great about Typeform is that it only asks one question at a time, which keeps customers focused and prevents them from skipping questions. Additionally, this template is cool because it lets you use icons or emojis for answers instead of text. This makes the survey look even nicer and it also makes it easier to answer each question.

Enhance your customer feedback collection and seamlessly integrate it with your HubSpot workflow using Typeform.

Why it works:

One question at a time templates work because they keep the customer’s focus on a single facet of their experience. The caveat? Keep your questions short, simple, and to the point.

7. SurveyPlanet Customer Satisfaction Form


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SurveyPlanet is another template that reveals one question at a time to eliminate distraction. It's unique because it tailors questions based on whether the customer shopped online or in-store. Both shopping methods induce a series of statements that can be answered using a Likert scale, like in the image above. These types of questions are beneficial for garnering a lot of feedback on narrow or specific topics.

Why it works:

This template lets you zero in on the details of a customer’s experience either online or in-store. For example, you could ask about the digital cart checkout experience to see how consumers rate ease of use, speed, and security.

8. Zoho Survey Service Satisfaction Survey


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This Zoho template is geared towards feedback for customer service teams. With this matrix, you can gain insights about your service team such as its friendliness, professionalism, reliability, and convenience. Additionally, you can learn how the customer heard about your services, how satisfactory their experience was, and whether or not they'd recommend your business to others.

Why it works:

Members of your customer service teams are often the first people your customers talk to — this survey template lets you measure satisfaction across common areas to ensure service is living up to expectations.

9. SurveyMonkey Business to Business Survey


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This SurveyMonkey template is great for B2B companies whose customers are more in tune with business language and culture. With just five questions, this survey is perfect for clients who don't have the time to fill out lengthy surveys. This template will also give you important insights into your account team's performance and what the retention rate is at your business.

Why it works:

B2B sales and projects are often longer-term and higher-value than individual customer purchases. As a result, it’s worth using a B2B-specific survey to measure clients’ overall satisfaction.

10. SurveyLegend Retail Customer Feedback


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To personalize a survey to your brand, SurveyLegend 's templates offer space for your company logo, product pictures, and more. This survey is tailored for retail business as it assesses a variety of retail topics, from product inventory to seasonal discounts to employee services. This is great for SMBs that want to get quick feedback on specific areas of their business.

Why it works:

If customers can’t find what they’re looking for either online or in-store, they’ll start shopping somewhere else. This survey template shows you’re looking for feedback and may encourage customers to come back and try again. The caveat? You actually need to make changes suggested by the survey data.

11. Zoho Survey Product Satisfaction Survey


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This Zoho template measures customer satisfaction with your products. Its questions are brief and straightforward, preventing miscommunication and inaccurate data. In this template, questions pertain to first impressions of the product, overall product use, product quality, and the likelihood of a recommendation.

Why it works:

If you’re a product-focused business, you can’t afford to slack on quality or reliability. This survey helps you uncover potential problems in your products — oft-reported issues may suggest the need for reexamination of current production and quality standards.

12. Typeform Post-Event Feedback


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Similar to the last Typeform template, this one involves a lot of fun and engaging icons that replace otherwise bland text. This post-event survey collects valuable information about how participants felt about the event, how they discovered it, and the sponsors they interacted with during it. It even includes a range of demographic questions that you can use to further define your target audience.

Why it works:

Graphics are naturally more engaging than text. By allowing customers to click on representative boxes rather than empty circles or lines of text, you’re likely to see improved response rates.

13. SurveyLegend Product Feedback Form


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This is another template that focuses on product feedback. However, with SurveyLegend, it asks questions regarding price fairness, competitors' products, changes customers would like to see, and overall satisfaction. It also ends by leaving an option for participants to leave their email if they'd like to stay informed about the product, which is a great way to develop a stronger relationship with customers.

Why it works:

This template speaks to price, product comparisons, and preferred changes, making it a great way to capture actionable customer feedback that could help inform the next iteration of your product or even create new product lines at different price points.

14. SurveyMonkey Customer Service Feedback

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This is another survey template that gathers feedback on a customer service team. As with all SurveyMonkey templates, it's very short asking only five questions. This survey asks customers to list their satisfaction with the service team, how well their issues were understood, and how long it took to speak with an agent. This information is significantly important when making notable changes and improvements to your customer service team.

Why it works:

This customer service survey template includes the standard questions but also asks how long it took service teams to address concerns. If you’re consistently seeing “longer” or “much longer” than expected, you may need to make service changes.

Capturing Customer Feedback with Customized Survey Templates

Want to drive more conversions and improve ROI? Collect customer feedback to understand what your business is doing right, what isn’t resonating with customers, and where you need to make changes.

Survey templates streamline this collection process. Using the right template in the right circumstances can encourage customers to engage with your brand and provide relevant, contextual insight about their experience with your company, in turn providing the data you need to consistently improve this experience and boost customer satisfaction.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in September, 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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