During the past four years, the recession has affected a large part of both our professional and personal lives. Ad spend budgets, and consequently jobs, were cut as brands scrambled to stay afloat in a shrinking market and a changing online advertising landscape. While challenging, this period of time wasn’t short on opportunities. Those who felt stifled by the traditional advertising model founded agencies in basements and garages. Others refocused and redefined what an agency is or specialized in emerging marketing methods. The advertising industry became even more challenging, exciting and dynamic.

A few months ago, we announced that we would be celebrating the business of advertising by showcasing 100 agencies that demonstrated fortitude, strong relationships, great work and strategic ideas.
While these agencies do possess these qualities, they have also fought to grow and strengthen the financial stability of their companies. These agencies weren’t just focused on their clients’ business goals and how to achieve them; they wanted to meet — and surpass — their own goals. These agencies produced great ideas, but they did so by creating a financially stable framework on which they could take risks, pitch bold ideas, hire the best talent and fire the worst client. So while growth is important, it is just a signifier of creating the best kind of agency — the one you want to work for and the one clients want to work with.
Here are the 2013 Agency 100 recipients: