What's Your Agency's Grade? Introducing a New Tool to Benchmark Performance

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Angela O'Dowd
Angela O'Dowd




As your agency scales, growing pains are common. It's not easy to know what you should focus on to get to the next level. 

So what if you could learn from the best practices of agencies that have been there already? 

As Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself."

The act of benchmarking has been helping people learn from their peers since the start of the century. However, asking another agency owner or CEO about her agency's finances, hiring practices, or sales process can be intimidating. Plus, the stories from one or two peers won't always align perfectly with your current situation and needs. You need a much larger sample size to gain actionable and applicable insight.

That’s why we built Agency Grader, a free tool that analyzes your agency's business and makes recommendations based on real data from more than 500 digital marketing and advertising agencies.

Here's how it works:

  • The diagnostic assesses your agency across six major categories: strategy, service delivery, sales, marketing, human resources, and finance.

  • More than 500 agencies have already taken the diagnostic, so your answers are plotted in line against theirs. (Don’t worry: The data is anonymous.)

  • The data is broken down by agency size, so you can toggle between different data sets to compare your results with agencies of a similar size.

  • The suggestions for improvement are based on the best practices of the fastest growing and most successful agencies.

The benchmark was originally built to help HubSpot's agency partners emulate and learn from the success of their more tenured agency peers, but we quickly realized how valuable of a tool it would be for any agency looking for more information on the best practices followed by top performing companies. 

To find out your agency's grade, click here. Then, let us know what you think and how we could improve the tool in the comments below!


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