Will “big data” go bust? Will robots replace creatives? Maybe not in 2013. But, as we survey the landscape and the Project: Worldwide network of experts, it’s clear that data, technology and professionally produced content are playing huge roles in what the industry can expect to see in the new year. Here are three standout trends that we predict will become mainstream by 2014:

“Quantified-self” movement goes mainstream.
Bob Troia | Founder & CEO, Affinitive
It is now common for people to wear "smart accessories" and gadgets that seamlessly track (and share) physical activity as well as other sensor-enabled devices that can monitor, optimize and automate all aspects of our physical lives. In the remainder of 2013, we will see the adoption of more wearable technology, and sensor-enabled devices will move from the fringes of early adopters to everyday consumers.
All this data is pretty noisy.
Bill Fleig | VP of Client Services, JUXT
While many marketers and consumers are growing tired of hearing about big data and how useful it is, the reality is that marketers are drowning in the noise of too much information. Worse yet, that noise makes it harder to create experiences that enable consumers to act. Looking ahead, intelligent marketers will understand that they need to focus on creating clarity for their consumers – only using the ‘right data,’ which will enable consumers to make decisions more easily and take action swiftly. That same discipline applied internally will enable marketing organizations to gather clearer insights and take better action themselves.
Brands on social media networks need more than cat photos.
Jason Marks | ECD, Partners + Napier
Brands are realizing that their most consistent and effective channels are their own. When a brand has millions of followers on Facebook or Twitter, they are essentially running a network, a network that shouldn’t rely on user-generated content and cat photos. It needs real content. So, there will be a move towards hiring traditional directors, photographers and writers to create quicker, nimble and more responsive content for sites such as Vine, Instagram and Cinemagraphs. The ultimate goal will be a content team that can create a professional caliber ‘ad’ every day.