The savviest marketers are constantly staying on top of the latest trends and news in marketing. Are you one of them? Keeping up-to-date with marketing news can help you stay ahead of the curve in your own marketing and keep ahead of competitors in your industry. So where can you go to make sure you're in the know?
Subscribe to these blogs and websites via email or add them to your favorite RSS reader to stay on the cutting edge of all things marketing!
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[Updated for 2025]
11 Must-Read Marketing News Blogs/Sites
1. Marketing Pilgrim (Subscribe via RSS | Subscribe via Email): Launched by internet marketing consultant Andy Beal, this blog brings you the latest news, rumors, and reviews of all things related to internet marketing and online advertising.
2. eMarketer (Subscribe via RSS | Subscribe via Email): eMarketer offers data, statistics and analysis on digital marketing, media and commerce by weighing and analyzing information from various sources .
3. The Forrester Blog - Market Insights (Subscribe via RSS): Geared toward market research, this Forrester blog features a roll-up of posts from analysts serving market insights professionals.
4. TechCrunch (Subscribe via RSS | Subscribe via Email): Follow TechCrunch to stay on top of new technology developments and the latest tech news.
5. Search Engine Land (Subscribe via RSS | Subscribe via Email): Covering topics related to search engine optimization and search engine marketing, this blog will keep you in the know about search news.
6. Mashable (Subscribe via RSS | Subscribe via Email): Mashable is your go-to website for social media news and tips.
7. Official YouTube Blog (Subscribe via RSS): Get a heads up on any new features or updates about YouTube.
8. The Official Google Blog (Subscribe via RSS | Subscribe via Email): Be notified of the latest Google news from the powerful search engine giant.
9. LinkedIn Blog (Subscribe via RSS | Subscribe via Email): Stay abreast of new features on LinkedIn and learn tips and tricks for effectively using the social network.
10. Official Facebook Blog (Subscribe via RSS): Be the first to know about the latest and greatest from the world's top social network.
11. Twitter Blog (Subscribe via RSS): Get all the breaking news about features, updates, and tips for Twitter.
What other blogs or websites do you use to stay on top of marketing news?