25 Ways to Get More Social Media Followers

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Diana Urban
Diana Urban



Here are 25 easy ways you can get more social media followers:

Social Media Followers

1. Enable Social Sharing

Add buttons to your blog and even other website pages that allow visitors to share your content on social sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Some services like Tweetmeme allow you to add RT @YOURUSERNAME to the end of each tweet shared from your site, so that would help you get more followers.

2. Share Quality Content

If you have high-quality and interesting content on your social media profiles, you’re more likely to get more followers than if you were tweeting purely self-promotional updates.

3. Get Employees to Follow

Tell your employees to follow/like/subscribe to your social media profiles. People are more likely to follow pages that already have some sort of following, so your employees will help build your initial numbers.

4. Invite Partners, Vendors, Clients, and Customers

Send a friendly and personalized email to anyone you have a business relationship with, including partners, vendors, clients, and customers, letting them know about your social media profiles.

5. Email Signature

Add links to your company’s social media profiles in your company email signature. Create a signature template that includes these links and encourage your coworkers to use this signature as well.

6. Blog Comment Signature

When you make a comment on a blog post, link to your most active social media profile (usually Twitter or Facebook) in a signature-like style.

7. Include Links on Offers and Assets

Link to your social media profiles on your whitepaper cover page, webinar thank you page, one-page guide footer, etc.

8. CTAs on Thank You Pages

After a new lead fills out a form on your site, it’s a good idea to include links or calls-to-action on the subsequent thank you page encouraging these leads to follow you in social media. If they were interested enough to give you their email address, they’ll likely be interested in following!

9. CTAs on Thank You Emails

Just like you’d add calls-to-action to your thank you pages, add them to your thank you emails. Again, new leads are more likely to at least check out your social media profiles.

10. Cross Promote

Add your Twitter link to your Facebook page, and occasionally tweet about your Facebook page. Don’t stop with Twitter and Facebook; you could also cross-promote on LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, etc.

11. Contact or About Us Pages

Including links to your social media profiles on your contact us or about us page will reinforce the idea that your customers and/or prospects can reach out to you in social media just like they could via email or phone. Social media is more visible, so their friends may see their comments to you.

12. Business Cards

Include links to your most active social media profiles on each of your employees’ business cards below their contact information.

13. Newsletters & Lead Nurturing

Include links to your social media profiles in the footer of any company email you send out, including newsletters or lead nurturing emails.

14. Direct Mail Assets

Still using direct mail as part of your marketing strategy? If you can’t let go, include links to your social media profiles on any direct mail pieces you send, including catalogs, coupons, or any other direct mail asset.

15. Facebook: Like Box on Website

Install a Facebook Like Box (formerly known as Facebook Fan Box) on your website. Your blog page, homepage, and other high-trafficked page sidebars are good places to install a Like Box.

16. Facebook: Hide Content From Non-Likers

Create a default tab on your Facebook business page that contains content hidden from anyone who has not yet liked your page. Once someone likes your page, they can see the offer/content you had hidden. This is a great incentive for someone to like your page.

17. Facebook: Suggest to Friends

Encourage your employees to use the Suggest to Friends feature to share your Facebook business page with any of their friends who would be interested in reading your updates.

18. Facebook: Invite Friends Tab

Add an “invite friends” tab and periodically encourage your fans to head over to invite their friends who might be interested in reading your updates.

19. Twitter: Twitter Directories

Add your company’s Twitter profile to Twitter directories under categories that are relevant to your company. This will make it easier for prospects to find you based on their interests. WeFollow, Twellow, and Listorious are just a few of the Twitter directories available.

20. Twitter: Add a Twitter Badge or Module

Promote your Twitter profile on your website by finding a Twitter badge that fits your site’s design, or add an official Twitter widget to your site. Your blog page, homepage, and other high-trafficked page sidebars are good places to install a Twitter widget.

21. Twitter: Talk to People Who Mention You

Track your brand in social media using HubSpot's social media monitoring tool or Google Alerts so that you get notifications whenever someone mentions your brand. When they do, follow them and/or reply to their tweet.

22. LinkedIn: Add Links on LinkedIn Profile

Add a link to your most active social media profile in your links. You can optimize these links by clicking “Other” and write “Follow (Company Name) on Twitter” when adding your link to Twitter, for example.

23. LinkedIn: Add links to LinkedIn Business Page

Add links to your most active social media profiles on your LinkedIn business page. You can add these links in the about section.

24. LinkedIn: LinkedIn Answers Signature

When you make a comment on LinkedIn Answers, link to your most active social media profile (usually Twitter or Facebook) in a signature-like style or as one of the web resources.

25. YouTube: Embed Your Videos

If you have any videos that you’d like to share on your website, add them to your YouTube profile and then embed those YouTube videos on your site. That way people can discover your YouTube page, and you have potential to benefit from YouTube’s viral nature.

Add to the list! What are some of your unique strategies to get more followers on your social media profiles?

Diana Urban is a User Experience Manager at HubSpot. You can follow her on Twitter @dianaurban.

Topics: Social Media

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