7 Elements of a Blog You Need to Include to be Successful

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Rachel Leist
Rachel Leist



Blogging can be challenging. There is so much you need to include, but where do you start? You have the content to think about, the topic, SEO ... the list goes on and on.


Fear not. There are a few elements that you can include in every post that will drastically improve the performance of your blog. Not only are they simple steps you can do, but you can also do them right in HubSpot. Let's get started and discuss the elements of a blog that will help you be more successful. You can follow along in your HubSpot account too.

Element #1: Write a meta description.

What is it?

Your meta description is the extra text that appears under each link in a Google search. For example, if I am searching for HubSpot's Inbound Hub, the meta description is the text that says "HubSpot's online publication of inbound content, attracting over 1.2 million monthly visitors." 


Why does it matter?

The meta description gives visitors a more detailed explanation about what they can learn when they click on the link. When hundreds or even thousands of results pop up on a search engine, this explanation text helps a searcher pick the link that will matter most to him or her.

How can I use this in HubSpot?

When you are in the Content Editor, go to the Options tab. You will then see a space where you can enter a succinct meta description.


Element #2: Have a responsive blog.

What is it?

If you have a responsive design, that means no matter what device (desktop computer, mobile device, or tablet) someone is using to view your post, it will appear optimized for that device. In other words, there will be no need to pinch and zoom in or scroll from left to right to read your content. That goes for text as well as images.

Why does it matter?

Having a responsive design means your blog visitors will have a better user experience. It will be easier for them to read your content and also have it be consistent across devices. In fact, according to What Users Want Most From Mobile Sites Today, 74% of users say they're also more likely to return to a site if it's mobile-friendly.

How can I use this in HubSpot?

Responsive design is automatic in HubSpot! See the mobile device, tablet, and desktop icons at the bottom of your live preview screen? You can view what your blog post looks like on different devices by clicking them. If you want an even more specific device, check out HubSpot's Device Lab.


Element #3: Use keywords.

What is it?

Keywords are the words or phrases that people are typing into search engines that will ultimately bring them to your website. By creating quality content about a certain keyword, you will rank higher on search engines for that keyword. 

Why does it matter?

It is important to put keywords that you are trying to rank for in your blog posts. That doesn't mean you should abuse the number of times you are using keywords. (Google will recognize that!) It means placing keywords naturally in your post to help your rankings. For other best practices on SEO and blogging, check out this post.

How can I use this in HubSpot?

HubSpot will count the number of keywords you are using in your post directly in the blog tool. You can click on the number to see which keywords you have mentioned. (To take advantage of this feature, make sure to set up your keywords in HubSpot first.)


When you click, you will see a pop-up with your list of keywords. You then have the option to click on each word to get more information on how hard it will be to rank for it and how well you are currently doing.

keywords2 keywords3

Element #4: Use topic tags.

What is it?

Topic tags are categories that you assign to your individual blog posts. They organize and categorize the content you are writing about.

Why does it matter?

Grouping your posts by topic allows visitors to find your content more easily. For instance, HubSpot writes about different areas of marketing, but some of our readers may only be interested in SEO or Public Relations. Readers can click on the particular topic tag that interests them most and read all of the content under that category. 

A note of caution - do not overuse your topic tags. If you are too repetitive with your content, search engines may look at it as duplicate content.

How can I use this in HubSpot?

Add your topic tags in the section called Topics under the "Options" screen.


Element #5: Create CTAs for your posts.

What is it?

CTA stands for call-to-action. It is the action you want your visitor, lead, or customer to take after reading your post, and it is typically in the form of a line of text or image.

Why does it matter?

After your visitors, leads, or customers read a piece of content, there is probably another step you want them to take. That step could be to view another piece of content, a trial, demo, etc. The CTA allows you to point them in the right direction and give them a valuable next action.

How can I use this in HubSpot?

First, build your CTAs in the CTA tool. Then at the end of your post, insert the most relevant CTA directly into the blog post. In HubSpot, you can measure the results of your CTA via the CTA app. You can also use smart CTAs to show visitors, leads, and customers different CTAs to make sure you offer the most relevant and valuable experience possible. (Note - Smart CTas are a feature of the Professional and Enterprise edition of HubSpot.)


Element #6: Connect your post to a campaign.

What is it?

Your company may run a marketing campaign to generate more leads, attract more visitors, or build brand awareness. Typically, campaigns involve a number of channels -- including blog posts -- that work together to help your company achieve its goals. 

Why does it matter?

A campaign with multiple channels is more likely to be successful than a project that only uses a few. In HubSpot, you can use the new campaigns tool to help you run an inbound marketing campaign, select multiple channels, and track the blog posts that support it.

How can I use this in HubSpot?

Once your campaign is set up, you can connect your blog post to the campaign in the draft. Now when you view your campaign analytics, you'll see how your blog posts are performing alongside it!


Element #7: Create a Google+ author profile.

What is it?

Google+ author profiles connect a person's Google+ account to blogs where they contribute. If you blog for your company's blog, you should add the link to your Google+ profile. Here's how to set it up!

Why does it matter?

After you connect your Google+ profile, your head shot will appear in the search results when your content comes up. Not only does it look visually pleasing, but it looks more professional. People are more attracted to visual content, and Google+ authorship immediately gives your content a visual element.

How can I use this in HubSpot?

When you're wrapping up a post, click on options. Then next to the author name, click on "Add new" or "Edit" depending on whether or not you have an existing author profile. 


Fill out the pop-up screen that comes up with your information including name, email, head shot, author bio, Google+ URL, and other social media profile pages.


What other elements do you think are important to be successful at blogging?


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