Updates To HubSpot Pricing and Packaging

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Yesterday, HubSpot unveiled a new pricing structure for new customers that reflects the recent addition of significantly expanded functionality to the HubSpot software in email, lead nurturing, and cross-channel analytics. There will be no change in pricing for existing HubSpot customers.

Basing our pricing on features and number of contacts

Details on the new pricing system are available on the HubSpot Pricing Page. Under the new system, new HubSpot customers will select the product level that best fits their needs, both in terms of feature set and in terms of the number of contacts in their marketing database. While the new HubSpot pricing varies according to number of contacts and functionality, all existing customers will be able keep their current, "unlimited contacts" pricing structures, and will be able to retain access to the same features they now enjoy, with no change to their pricing.

Grandfathering in existing customers

HubSpot has always grandfathered in existing customers when our prices have changed, and we intend to continue that tradition now and into the future. Therefore, all existing HubSpot customers will be grandfathered in to their current products at their current prices, and will continue to enjoy unlimited contacts in their marketing databases, just as before. We simply wanted to share the new pricing structure with our existing customers as a way of maintaining transparency and openness in our operations and decision-making.

Lifting limits on user accounts and lead nurturing

One part of today's changes will affect our existing customers directly, however. Effective today, we are lifting the existing limits on the number of user accounts and lead nurturing campaigns for all HubSpot customers, and raising these limits across the board to levels previously enjoyed only by our Large customers. That is, from now on, all HubSpot customers will have limits of 50 user accounts and 100 lead nurturing campaigns. Lifting these limits has been one of the changes our customers have asked for the most, and we are delighted to be able to comply with this request.

Questions and comments

If you have any questions at all about HubSpot's new pricing structure and how it affects you directly, or wish to learn more about how to use your new user accounts and lead nurturing campaigns, please contact your account manager or call HubSpot Support at 1-888-HUBSPOT x3. Customers can also direct any questions, comments, or feedback to me, Brad Coffey, at bcoffey [at] hubspot [dot] com. 

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