You’re probably thinking that this post won’t make any sense. You know that marketing is all about content creation, so why stop? If you’ve been writing blog articles and creating content for your business for more than six months then I instruct you to stop. Stop and take a vacation from content creation. But Mark, my traffic and leads are going to suffer. Good point. Here are some ideas:

- Create a short backlog of content you can publish when you’re on your break. You can set these articles to get auto-published by HubSpot at a later date.
- Be transparent and tell blog readers that you’re not going to create anymore content for x number of days.
- Use your previous blog articles and content, and create new articles that summarize similar topics. I’m not saying to copy earlier articles, but summarize a few articles in one post and link back to the older articles.
Why are you telling me to do this? Because you need to recharge your creativity and make better content, even more remarkable content than the last six months. If you don't keep pushing yourself to create better content, then your audience will get bored and won't learn anything new. They'll unsubscribe and start reading somebody else's content.
I just took a break from content creation. You might have noticed that I haven’t been writing very many blog articles over the past few weeks. Well it’s because I needed to recharge my creativity and create new, remarkable ideas and best practices for our awesome customers. You deserve the best and this article is the first of many new ideas I’ll be writing about.
I recommend you go on a short or long vacation when you take this break from content creation. I just did and it really helped clear my mind and refocus my creativity. I find going to a different physical place helps stimulate your inner-creativity. You should go somewhere where you can think openly and get out of your day-to-day habits.
I bet you come back with new ideas, a refreshed mind and some remarkable content that your community will love.
What are your thoughts about taking a break? Have you done this or something similar before?