Bloginar: A New Marketing Tactic

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Christopher LoDolce
Christopher LoDolce



bloginarProductivity, productivity, productivity, all else equal the success of your Inbound Marketing strategy comes down to the amount of time, effort and resources you and your organization commits. There is no arguing that staying on top of the newest trends and technologies is imperative to staying one step ahead of the competition.

The purpose of a Bloginar is to take a tried and true principle, technique or approach which you could spend a day learning about at a seminar or an hour on a webinar and boil it down to a blog. The blog post should be coupled with all of the resources needed to implement the strategy instantly without creating a significant increase in workload for you or your employees. A bloginar is not a replacement for seminars or webinars as they both have their time and place. Rather, a bloginar will allow you to implement new/additional strategies quickly within an hour or less. Simply put a bloginar should allow you to accomplish more in less time.


A good seminar or conference is absolutely fantastic and a great way to stay on the cutting edge and/or dig deeper into a specific topic or subject. They can be extremely motivating and provide you with a wonderful new strategy to implement when you get back to the office. Unfortunately there are many downsides to seminars as well. They typically require traveling, using budget and of course time off from your daily work activities which can only mean one thing… loads of emails and a never ending to-do list upon your return.

More likely than not, all that great information you just learned and the new strategy you wanted to implement falls down to the bottom of your to-do list and it is months before you get to it if ever.


Along came Webinars, what a lifesaver… no travel requirements, typically no cost, a time commitment of an hour or so and you can usually watch a recording if your schedule is full. You may even be able to respond to an email or two while watching the webinar if you are a grade A multi-tasker. A webinar allows you to digest a boiled down version of a seminar/conference but in the matter of an hour. Great webinars have takeaways, best practice documentation, worksheets or checklists that attendees can download after.

Unfortunately you still have to spend a significant amount of time creating the strategy or augmenting your current strategy and implementing the new learning’s. If you worked on Labor Day this week or were thinking about work you may fall into the group of people that just don't have an hour a week to watch a webinar and then follow up with a strategy and implement it.


And now there are Bloginars, in the time it would take you to watch a webinar you will be able to:

  • Read the bloginar article
  • Decide to implement the new strategy, approach or principle
  • Download the bloginar kit
  • Implement the new strategy using the kit
  • Setup documents to analyze the effectiveness of the new strategy
  • Get back to what you were doing before you read the bloginar

Each bloginar should take an hour or less of your time. A bloginar kit should include absolutely everything you will need to quickly and efficiently implement the new strategy, approach or principle, including template emails, worksheets, guides, instructions and more.   

Take part in the inaugural Bloginar series: "How To Leverage Social Media Throughout Your Company” starting Thursday Sept 15, 2011 and running for four consecutive weeks. Watch your social media traffic grow, maybe even double or triple only using your current/free resources. Check out the first bloginar post right here on the Content Camp blog on Thursday the 15th or subscribe to the blog to receive all of the articles via email or RSS updates. 

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