Every marketer should be creating a resource center. Why should you create a resource center? Because they organize your content that will help your business generate leads and make your website much more attractive to its visitors. Other benefits of a resource center include:

- Educate visitors, leads and customers on how your solutions can help them solve their problems.
- Help improve search engine optimization, lead generation and community building.
- Educate your audience, allow visitors to find relevant content quickly and keep visitors engaged with your website and business.
- Enables website visitors to share and spread your content.
Step 1: Gather Your Content
Without content there can be no resource center, so make sure you have enough content to warrant creating a resource center. Having three or more pieces of content people can download usually warrants creating one. Blog articles can also be used as part of the resource center, but they aren’t something people can download and won’t directly help your business generate leads.
Step 2: Decide on the Layout
Your resource center should definitely have a dedicated homepage. The homepage should highlight new or updated content, popular content and link directly to content people can download. If you have a lot of content you could create specific homepages that group each type of content together. For example, you could have a homepage that outlines all of your whitepapers, one for all of your videos and one that lists all of your presentations.
Step 3: Enable Social Sharing
Your resource center has to allow people to share its content. People are going to find the content valuable and important, and will want to share it with their networks of followers and friends. Here is where you can find the social media icons I recommend you include in your resource center and thank you pages (the page the follows a landing page).
Step 4: Promote the Resource Center
The final thing you need to do is make sure as many visitors find and take advantage of your awesome resource center. You need to create calls to action that you add to your blog, website and thank you pages directing visitors to the resource center. I would also place the resource center in your website’s menu and promote it in your email marketing communications and lead nurturing campaigns.
Download HubSpot’s Resource Center guide and watch our recent webinar that will teach you how to set one up.