Grow Better With the New HubSpot Connect Directory

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Lisa Edwards
Lisa Edwards



Did you know that over 100 of the best software companies in the world have built integrations on top of HubSpot? That’s right; our integration ecosystem, HubSpot Connect, is bigger than ever, featuring more tools you love and the ability to tie them directly to HubSpot.

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What’s even more exciting is that customers who use these integrations are seeing tremendous results. We consistently see that customers with three or more integrations grow faster than those with none. They generate more traffic, more leads, and more customers. While we don’t necessarily corelate that growth to just integrations, it is a good signal that sophisticated, successful companies integrate the different tools they use. Integrating the data and systems you use will help you stay nimble and connected and grow faster. 

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With all this growth, our current integrations directory just wasn’t cutting it. It was sometimes hard to find specific integrations or discover new options because there were so many, and they weren’t well organized.

But not anymore!

Now live is a redesigned version of the HubSpot Connect integration listings directory. The directory is home to all certified (and beta) third- party technologies that have built an integration with HubSpot.

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The HubSpot Connect ecosystem is your resource to discover and install the best software in the world to run your business. We have a dedicated team that sources and certifies integrations so you can rest easy knowing we make sure they work, our customers love them, and of course that they seamlessly integrate with HubSpot.

HubSpot Connect already includes many of your favorite non-HubSpot tools, such as SurveyMonkey, Eventbrite, Wistia, and many more of the most-used tools in the world. When you start with HubSpot, it’s a simple step to plug in these software options and start sharing data across all your major systems.

The integrations facilitated by HubSpot Connect will unite your company. Sales, marketing, and services all need different tools, but Connect ties together your tech stack. Data gets shared across teams, everyone has a single view of the customer, and you’ll use fewer logins and dashboards while receiving better insights.

In short: when you use integrations, magic happens. Teams work closer, there’s less duplicity across the board, and s*** gets done.

That’s why this new directory is so important. We want to make sure that if you have something that already connects to HubSpot, that you find it and install it. And if you need something to connect to HubSpot, you can discover a great solution.

Here are three ways the new HubSpot Connect integrations directory will help you grow better:


You can now search the directory to easily find specific integrations. You can also enjoy UX and SEO improvements that should help you find specific integrations faster than ever.

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The sidebar of the new directory features categories. These categories make it easy for you to research and discover all of the associated integrations that solve a specific problem, like help with video or advertising.


To help you better understand and navigate the integrations ecosystem, we’ve created a broad visualization. Use it to quickly identify integrations you're looking for or explore at a macro level. 

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With the new directory, there’s no better time than now to explore the integrations available to your organization. It'll help you find and connect new tools and grow like never before. 

HubSpot Connect

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