I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends ... in HubSpot Support!

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Jessica Webb
Jessica Webb



all you need is loveHubSpot customers are the best customers. There, I said it!

Providing the best customer experience possible is what we on the HubSpot Support team are all about. In fact, we've listened to your feedback and we now offer several ways to get support -- when, where, and however you need it. 

The Faces of the HubSpot Support Team

I have been a proud member of the HubSpot Support team for about a year now, and what I've learned is that I work with amazingly talented and interesting people. We're also one of the more quickly growing groups at HubSpot with a team of over 50 already!

Support Engineer backgrounds vary -- from history, to aviation, to music -- but we all have one thing in common: we love helping people. We like to help by providing product feedback to HubSpot developers based on the calls and questions we get from our customers. We even work with customers one-on one via onsite service or dedicated phone support. 

stellar support crew having fun

We also are dedicated to innovating and thinking up new ways we can help you. That's how we developed the most recent addition to the support repertoire: the HubSpot Callback Option.

Your New Way to Get Support: HubSpot Callback Option 

Our recently launched callback option has been huge for people who want to continue doing work while we find the solution.

Just the other day, one of our stellar support engineers named Danny got a callback request regarding "building a list of people who had visited the customer's site in the last 60 days." Danny was able to get into this customer's portal, check out his current set-up, and call the customer back within five minutes. With all the prep he had done, they talked for about three minutes and then the case was closed. 

As you can imagine with the above example, the goal of the callback option is to save you and us time. Like with Danny, a Support Engineer can dig into your issue while you're still working and then call you back within 5 minutes with a solution. This means less time on the phone and a better over-all experience for you!

So how do you use this callback feature? You can click the "Help Button" at the bottom of your HubSpot portal, like in the example below. A box of of support options will pop up, and you can click the "I'd like HubSpot support to call me" option. In a few minutes, we'll give you a ring!

the HubSpot support help button

In the inbound age, we believe we need to be available where our customers are and how they need us. With the callback option, we get more information initially, we know your Hub ID, we know what you are working on, and most importantly we know your name.

No matter what, we want our customers to have the power to choose what's right for them given the situation. We can't wait for you to try it! 

How to Use Your Resources for Self-Guided Support 

As a support crew it is our duty (and our pleasure) to predict the situations you may run into, and have resources readily available to help you through any challenge. As a part of this, we have been tirelessly working on our new Knowledge Base where we couple questions we have gotten over time with the best possible answers. Type in your question and you will find several articles written by our own support staff, vetted and tested. Check out the new Knowledge Base.

As always, we are still available via web ticket for when the issue isn't urgent, and even then we guarantee a response within one business day -- though it's typically much sooner! Web tickets are great for questions that need a bit more help than a user guide may provide, like "I built a list in my lists tool and it's pulling different people than I expected, why?"

For more immediate support, call us during our phone support hours which are 8am-8pm EST at 1-888-HUBSPOT (1-888-482-7768) extension 3. This option proves best for time-sensitive situations like, "Oops, I just published a blog post with the wrong featured image, how do I change it?"

Get Your Own Dedicated Support Engineer

Along the lines of delivering customers the kind of awesome, customized support they need when they need it, we have recently started a HubSpot Dedicated Support program.

This gives you your own dedicated support engineer to assist via phone or email with general technical support questions related to your HubSpot subscription. You also have the ability to schedule discussions with your dedicated support representative regarding your implementation and/or software support needs.

This feature does have additional costs associated with it -- but as you can imagine, it's an opportunity to work with someone who will really know you and your specific needs. It's a great fit for customers who want more one-on-one technical help with someone who understands their unique business scenarios. Nothing beats that! 

Have a favorite HubSpot support experience? We'd be honored if you'd share it in the comments. You delight us every day. Thank you for being a HubSpot customer. 

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