How to Make HubSpot Projects Work for Your Business

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Lauren DeSoiza
Lauren DeSoiza



Worried about hitting your attendance goal for a webinar? What about engaging your contacts around an upcoming trade show you’ll be attending? There’s a project for that!

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HubSpot is known for providing a wealth of resources to accomplish your goals. Sometimes it can be hard to identify what resources best suit your needs and what's going to get you to your goal fastest? Should you watch the training videos or maybe start with the user guides? We find that projects are the best middle ground for customers that want to learn but also get stuff done, just like we do here at HubSpot. So let's start at the beginning.

What Are HubSpot Projects?

Customer projects are there to not only enable your use of HubSpot but to give you an organized way to take a crack at a specific initiative you’re not quite sure how to tackle.

HubSpot projects are a customer resource that helps you quickly and effectively reach your marketing goals. Each project is displayed as a step-by-step process that you can follow. You'll find all of the necessary resources, both inbound and product related, to accomplish the specific marketing objective. They'll help you solve your marketing problems no matter what level of experience you have. For an advanced inbound marketer, projects can simply be used as a checklist. While newcomers to inbound can dig into each step for additional guidance and best practices. 

How to Use Customer Projects to Get Stuff Done Like the Professionals

There are quite a few different ways to tackle projects in HubSpot. The key to making customer projects work for you and your team is to pick a goal and identify a process or methodology that works for you.

Customer projects are there to not only enable your use of HubSpot but to give you an organized way to take a crack at a specific initiative you’re not quite sure how to tackle.

To leverage projects like a pro, you should ask yourself the following questions. 
  • What is the goal of the work that you and your team will be doing?
    Identify what goal you would like to take on and assess whether this goal is a one-time effort, or if you will be doing this annually. It’s important to set expectations at the beginning of the process so you can assess if you found added value at the end of the project.

  • Who will be doing what specifically?
    Following the outline of the customer project, make sure to assign who will be responsible for certain elements of the project and assign dates to the completion of the steps. Take the time to make sure everyone is on the same page in both understanding the project, the goal, and the results you would like to see. From there, the project should move forward seamlessly and come together in the allotted time. The HubSpot calendar tool can help you organize and assign people to the different components of the project. 

  • What worked exceptionally well? What won’t you repeat?
    Customer projects are built with keeping every single HubSpot customer in mind. Given a project can be more specific or general, depending on the initiative, you may need to customize how your team completes the project. Take a look at what worked and what did not work, assess your results, and pivot your strategy.

Once this process is in place, you can either choose to run through the customer project on a specific time frame or whenever you have a specific event. The cadence is for you to set, as you know your capacity and capabilities best.

When you can form a repeatable process that is easy for you and your team to replicate, you can slide that project right into your skills toolkit and file it under getting stuff done just like the pros.

Pro-Tip: Identify four projects you want to do over one year and build a plan so you know what will happen over the next twelve months.

The 3 HubSpot Projects Every Inbound Marketer Should Use

The key to leveraging HubSpot is to build a repeatable, sustainable strategy for your team. Here are the top three projects that we'd recommend getting started with. 

  1. Contact Re-engagement Email Project
    On average, emails lists lose 25% of their active contacts annually. So how can you protect your email deliverability and salvage some of those contacts? Spend some time identifying what makes an active contact and what makes a dead or unengaged contact. With this project, you can develop a reasonable, repeatable process to ensure your database of contacts remains clean and active.

  2. Content Offer Project
    What is inbound marketing without a content offer? Without a content offer, you have no way to pull your contacts through the sales funnel and convert them into contacts from your website. You need some value proposition to provide your visitors a way to give you their information and convert. Whether it’s an ebook, a checklist, or a presentation, developing a content offer gives a visitor a compelling reason to give you their information and to buy into your brand. Use this project to get into the habit of creating compelling campaigns for your content offers to continue to bring contacts into your HubSpot database.

  3. Conversion Optimization Project
    With the development of content offers, you want to make sure that the conversion path is crystal clear. You’re not only creating content offers to collect conversions, but also driving the path someone will be taking through your sales funnel. This project will help you to optimize the conversion path around a content offer, so you are driving conversions.

So now you've read up on exactly what projects are, how to use them like a pro, and some examples of great projects to begin. So what's next? Get going!


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