Integrate HubSpot With Your SaaS Product to Create Context-Aware Marketing Campaigns

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Sam Siskind
Sam Siskind



This post originally appeared on Salted Stone's blog.

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Today, this piece of wisdom applies to marketing strategy as much as anything else. Marketers who plan ahead and build out comprehensive campaigns that integrate analytics and feedback tools end up saving time, money, and effort while avoiding missed opportunities.

Knowing where a customer is in the marketing lifecycle is one of the foundations of a strong inbound marketing strategy. In a study conducted last year by Adobe, 69% of marketers in the U.S. agreed that in order to be effective they would need to embrace ‘hyper-personalization.’

That same study found that the most popular answer to the question, “What will be most important to your company’s marketing moving forward?” was ‘personalization.’

Managing this personalization and contextualization without adequate tools can be an unwieldy and frustrating process, and at a certain point, your marketing efforts, if left untethered, will unfold and extend into an unmanageable field of loose ends, lost causes, and untrackable efforts.

Keeping customer and lead information organized, integrated, and up-to-date is fundamental to executing a successful inbound marketing program and no platform is more effective for collecting and managing that data than HubSpot.

As a SaaS company, you can use a HubSpot integration to make sure you’re always as informed as possible when interacting with clients and planning your marketing strategies.

HubSpot and Hyper-personalization

In the Adobe survey, 63% of high-performing marketing companies said that they are “completely or very focused on personalizing experiences for customers.”

It’s clear that personalization and contextualization are essential to the best marketing strategies, but it’s not always clear how to integrate the user and account data from your CRMso that it can be used in your marketing process.

Without a way to connect the data, all the valuable information you’re collecting is essentially going unused and your team is missing revenue opportunities.

Worse yet is the fact that poor management of this information can have the opposite effect of great contextualization — sending a trial offer to a new customer who just purchased your product, or missing a conversation about renewal with a customer whose product is expiring, can end up setting you way back.

And this is where HubSpot comes in, by integrating HubSpot with your current setup you can superpower your SaaS. Let’s run through a few real-world examples of how it can work.

HubSpot to Superpower Your SaaS

If your company offers a free trial period with your SaaS product, you’re probably already collecting most or all of the information you would need to unleash HubSpot’s maximum potential.

But by integrating HubSpot into the process, you’ll be able to route all this data directly into one place where you’ll have access to vital lead and customer data that can be used to personalize content and create contextually relevant marketing campaigns.

Here are just a few of the things that are possible when you’re integrated with HubSpot:

Segment Based on Lifecycle
HubSpot provides the ability to segment your database based on lifecycle information: whether someone is a lead, in a trial period, or a new customer. From there, creating personalized messaging (on your website, in email blasts, over social media, etc.) is a breeze.

You’ll be able to create “Smart CTA’s” based on your clients’ changing needs and tailor your messages to their unique identities. Is a trial expiring? It’s the perfect time to offer your client an upgrade to the paid version, and with HubSpot those actions can be automated based on lifecycle changes so you never miss an opportunity.

Closed Loop Reporting
Closed loop revenue reporting is one of HubSpot’s most valuable features and provides insight into how to improve the efficiency of every dollar you spend on marketing.

By tracking and comparing the success rates for all your marketing efforts relative to their respective costs, you can determine what’s working great and what needs to be improved.

Organize Client Info
Organizing client information can be a challenge — deciding what information to track and how to track it takes time and resources. Add marketing information into the mix (e.g. when a client was last contacted, how long they’ve been a lead, etc.) and you could quickly find yourself with an unwieldy data set.

With HubSpot’s client profiles, everything is streamlined: marketing analytics, interaction history, lifecycle changes, meeting notes, and more. This tool helps outfit your sales force with the best intel available while making marketing-necessary information readily accessible with a click.

Optimize Your Data

Putting strong organizational systems — like the ones listed above — in place right off the bat is the best way to make sure you’re collecting the most valuable data and optimizing what you can achieve with it.

That’s not to say that this is an easy task. The amount of maintenance that’s required to run marketing for a business is staggering, which is why it’s vital to use a marketing automation tool like HubSpot to keep all your data organized and in one place.

As a HubSpot Platinum Partner, our team here at Salted Stone has the skills and experience to seamlessly integrate the HubSpot marketing automation platform into your SaaS company’s existing CRM to increase lead generation efforts and help close sales.

Integrating HubSpot into your current marketing efforts provides the data collection and analytics foundation necessary to ensure an effective marketing communication strategy throughout all stages of the customer lifecycle.

If you’re interested in how a HubSpot integration can strengthen your SaaS product’s marketability down the road, please feel free to drop us a line.

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