Earlier this month, we launched messages, the live chat tool that’s built for sales teams.

Live chat is nothing new. You’ve seen it lurking in the corner of your favorite websites. Maybe you’ve thought about adding it to your site, too.
But what does live chat actually do? What kind of value can it provide? And what makes HubSpot’s messages tool different from the rest?
Businesses today are using live chat and conversational marketing technology in different ways. Here's an overview of how you can get value from messages, the newest tool in HubSpot Sales Pro.
1. Optimize your website
Live chat is an awesome tool for figuring out how to optimize your site content. In time, you’ll be able to identify commonly asked questions. Use those questions to your advantage. If you’re getting a lot of live chat questions about a particular feature or service you offer, you may want to revisit how you’ve been explaining that feature or service across your website and see what you can do to make things more clear.
2. Get customer feedback
Adding live chat to your site creates a new channel for visitors to share their feedback about specific interactions or experiences. With messages, you can customize your welcome message and target that message to specific people on specific pages.
Let’s say you’ve created a new online purchase experience for your customers. You can add live chat to the final confirmation page and target those visitors with a message that says, “Thanks for your purchase! What did you think of the experience? Is there anything we could have done better?”
3. Book more meetings
Using the messages tool, you have the option to include your meetings link at the top of the chat widget. This makes it easy for site visitors to book time with you and continue the conversation offline. You're offering your leads and customers a new tool that enables them to start more conversations with you. This is a wonderful thing.
4. Build better relationships
Every conversation is an opportunity to build more trust and delight your customers. Conversations that happen via live chat shouldn’t be any different. So, how does messages go above and beyond to help you build better relationships?
With messages, you have the option to rotate incoming chat requests to the contact’s owner in HubSpot. When a prospect lands on your page, they’re greeted by a familiar face. They’ll be able to chat with the sales rep who they’ve already been working with, right away, and in real time.
5. Close more deals
Helping your site visitors get the answers they’re looking for, improving their experience, and building better relationships with them are all good things — acts that will help you close more deals.
With messages, all your live chat conversations are automatically synced to the contact’s timeline in HubSpot CRM, so it’s easy to schedule follow-up tasks, fire out an email, make a call, or move that contact to the next stage of your sales process.
Live chat and conversational technolgy is helping us create more connections, which is great for helping a business grow. But there's more to it than that. Some businesses are even using this technology to offer their readers content in the form of a conversation. Test it out yourself — chat with our experimental blog bot, Kyle. And be sure to check out our complete guide to learn more about developing a conversational marketing strategy.
Messages is more than just another live chat platform, and we hope you’ll be able to tap into all the value this tool has to offer. Click here to get started with messages.
Want to learn more about Hubspot messages? Join us for an upcoming webinar.