Every year, HubSpot releases the State of Inbound Marketing survey analyzing the tools, tactics, and results of thousands of marketers around the world. We know that all this data can get confusing, so as a special sneak peak for eTail Therapy blog readers, our friends over at QuestionPro put together this summary infographic to break down some of the key findings.
This year, HubSpot is also releasing the results of our first State of Ecommerce Marketing survey, drilling down more specifically into the multi-trillion dollar world of ecommerce marketers. We expanded the survey far beyond HubSpot's ecommerce customers (with only 5% of respondents reporting that they use HubSpot's ecommerce marketing software), and the results are very interesting.
Some interesting conclusions from the data are less encouraging that others. Ecommerce marketers as a whole are still lagging behind B2B marketers in adopting inbound practices like social media or blogging. Ecommerce marketers as a whole are still not measuring basic metrics like shopping cart abandonment rates - much less actively engaging those customers to bring them back with personalized experiences.
What is encouraging is the data from marketers who are measuring and marketing in a customer-centric way. Marketers who focus on creating customer-centric experiences are more likely to see a Return On Investment (ROI) from their inbound marketing activities, and marketers who choose to use content over coupons also see a higher ROI. There are some other interesting early pieces of data, such as the fact that a customer abandoning a shopping cart once may not be a bad thing like we always assume - and may in fact lead to higher spending when marketed to appropriately.
So, without further ado, here's your special sneak peak of HubSpot's 2014 State of Ecommerce Marketing Report:
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