How to Create Useful Reports Without Spending Your Entire Week in Excel [Free Guide]

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Kate Taylor Mighty
Kate Taylor Mighty



In today's technology-driven world, executives and marketers can no longer afford to be satisfied with gut feelings and guessing. You need granular, relevant, enriching data to measure and surface the impact your programs and campaigns have on the business (and impress your boss).

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At the same time, anyone who’s ever created a marketing report from scratch knows that it can be ... well, tough. From starting with raw numbers to figuring out what information your boss will actually be interested in, extracting the most important insights is no easy task. In fact, you could end up spending weeks in Excel tinkering with your monthly reports and still have missing information.

That’s why the marketing and reporting experts at HubSpot and Looker have joined forces to bring you a brand new free guide, How to Create Marketing Reports Your Boss Actually Cares About. It’s got insights on:

  • What you need to measure before your report
  • The best tools to help you gather and display your report each month
  • How to find the data you need
  • Analyzing your data to establish measurable goals
  • Tips for visualizing and presenting your metrics and analysis
  • How to plan for better results next month

Click here to download How to Create Marketing Reports Your Boss Actually Cares About


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