26 of the Funniest Tweets About Social Media We've Ever Seen

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Sophia Bernazzani Barron
Sophia Bernazzani Barron


There are a lot of things to be negative about on the internet today.

And between cyberbullying on Twitter, fake news on Facebook, and too many weight loss tea ads on Instagram, it's easy to feel jaded about social media in particular.

In fact, we surveyed more than 3,000 people around the world, and one-third responded that they feel "awful" after browsing social media -- with Facebook taking the crown for most awful feelings induced.

So, in an effort to combat these feelings of awfulness, we've compiled 30 of the funniest tweets about social media we could find. And with a healthy mix of snark, mockery, and memes, we think they sum up what it's like to be a social media user -- the good, the bad, and the ugly.

26 of the Funniest Tweets About Social Media We've Ever Seen

1) On Optimism

2) Just Keep Mowing ...

3) Take the Good with the Bad

4) Social Media Gods Don't Give with Both Hands

5) You Had One Job

6) On Twitter Expanding its Character Limit

7) Seriously, Though

8) Please, Don't Auto-Play Videos with Sound

9) Change Your Passwords, People

10) Personal Branding Is Everything

11) At Least They're Honest

12) Total Eclipse of the Tweet

13) It's Important to Keep Things in Perspective

14) Short, Sweet, and To the Point (1/47)

15) Seriously, Twitter Users Are Salty About This One

16) Caution: Parents on Facebook

17) Hindsight Is 20/20

18) When You Gotta Tweet, You Gotta Tweet

19) Life Comes At You Fast

20) In a World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind

21) You're Amazing. Yes, You.

22) I Wish I Knew How to Quit You

23) We All Have Guilty Pleasures

24) On Technical Difficulties

25) Because I Miss Vine and These Are Hysterical

26) See? I Told You

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