19 Statistics About Multicultural Millennials Marketers Should Know [Infographic]

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Sophia Bernazzani Barron
Sophia Bernazzani Barron



Millennials, or people between the ages of 18 and 34, make up the largest population group in the United States. There are more than 75 million millennials in total, and that number is projected to increased to more than 81 million by 2036. Additionally, this age group is the most active and engaged across social media platforms.

So it should come as no surprise that marketers are eager to learn more about how to capture millennials' attention, time, and spending dollars.

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Buzz Marketing Group, an agency dedicated to marketing to this demographic, surveyed multicultural millennials to learn more about their content consumption, purchasing, and social media habits. Among other surprising statistics, 83% of respondents said they like when brands take a public stand on issues they feel strongly about, and 28% reported they went on "digital diets," or breaks from technology, every month.

Read more about multicultural millennial media and purchasing habits in this infographic from Adweek.


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