Millennials vs. Gen Z: Why Marketers Need to Know the Difference [New Data]

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Pamela Bump
Pamela Bump



Regarding millennials vs. Gen Z, the two generations have a lot in common to the point many brands will lump them together into the same audience, thinking they can appeal to both. 

A gen Z ad millennial woman use their phones and consider purchases

Don't make this mistake. Gen Z and Millennials share some things but are still two completely different demographics. Don't believe me? Well, here's some data from 700+ consumers to prove my case.

Here's everything you need to know about Millennials vs Gen Z, and why marketers need to know the difference.

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What is a millennial?

A millennial is someone born between 1981 and 1996, placing them between the ages of 28 and 43 in 2024. Millennials are also often called Generation Y and are the first generation to grow up in the Internet Age.

They're also the only generation to remember a time before social media.

What is Gen Z?

Gen Z, or "zoomers," consists of individuals born between 1997 and 2012, putting them between the ages of 12 and 27. Similar to millennials, Gen Zers grew up in the internet age.

However, unlike millennials, zoomers grew up with social media and smartphones —making them the first fully digitally native generation to grow up in a digital-first world.

When you think about the generational differences on the largest possible scale, the oldest millennials are in their early 40s, might be settled down, and could be making larger purchases like cars or homes.

The youngest members of Gen Z are 12 years old, might love children's shows, and won't be directly making purchasing decisions any time soon.

Aside from the obvious age differences above, six more factors make these two generations fundamentally different.

Factors That Differentiate Millennials and Gen Z

1. They have different attitudes about technology and money.

Understanding the era...

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