"The future of work is being able to work in your pajamas," HubSpot's CTO, Dharmesh Shah, said in his 2019 INBOUND keynote.

Shah noted how flexibility is the goal and remote work is a function. And, although productivity is one of the main concerns employers have when introducing remote work, it has actually been reported to increase employees' productivity.
In fact, 85% of people have reported increased levels of productivity as a result of remote work.
This is my workspace when I choose to work from home:

My living room is an extremely effective workspace for me. Like many others, I like to work with some hubbub going on around me, and because I live on a busy street, the zooming cars outside provide the perfect amount of noise.
Natural light makes me feel centered and focused (maybe it's that good ole' Vitamin D) and the large windows contribute to that. I find that having minimal distractions and the built-in assets of my living room make it a great place to cozy up and get some work done throughout my day.
If you're considering moving part-or-fully remote in 2020, but aren't sure whether or not you have the office-like space for it, we've got you covered. Here, wee asked some of HubSpot's 200 remote workers to share their workplaces, and why it works for them.
Our Favorite Remote Workspaces
1. A designated coffee shop, or outside.
When asked about her workspace, Senior Customer Success Manager Kat Reed said, "I like to work at a nearby coffee shop, where my other NOLA remoter meets up with me occasionally. One time we were there and Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad was remote working next to us!"

Reed is based in New Orleans, LA. Because of the naturally warm climate, she finds great opportunities to work outside when she's able. Reed has found that this contributes to her productivity.

Kat Reed told me, "I've worked remote for 6+ years. I enjoy the flexibility of location because working all day from home can be too confining, and I also really enjoy working outside when the weather is nice. I choose places that have good outdoor spaces with plenty of outlets and a strong USB connection."
2. A stand-up desk at home.

"Here is an image of my workspace. I find this to be effective because it allows me to use a stand-up desk like I did when I was working in Cambridge," said Customer Success Manager Tony Baum.
Baum added, "I have plenty of sunshine from the two windows in my office. Luckily, in Boulder, Colorado, there is always sunshine."
3. A cozy living room.

Caroline Forsey, Marketing Blog Manager in Cambridge, MA, told me, "When I WFH, I like to work on the couch in my living room with tea, a candle, and (during the winter months) a nice view of my Christmas tree. I find both my bedroom and kitchen to be too distracting (for bed/food reasons), so this is a cozy spot I typically find tons of productivity."
4. A designated home office.
“Having designated space for my work has been a huge piece of my success as a remote HubSpotter," said California-based Managing Editor, Meg Prater.

"It keeps me focused and helps me feel professional — even if I have a crying toddler homesick or a mountain of laundry laughing at me from the other room. I’m lucky enough to have an office space with a door as well, which helps me maintain work/life balance."
Prater added, "It’s easy to pick up your laptop and answer a few more emails in the evening when your computer is sitting on the kitchen table. Being able to close the door on work every evening makes it easier for me to unplug.”
5. A simplistic setting.
As told to me by Managing Editor, Christina Perricone, "What I love most about my remote office is the simplicity — just a desk, a chair, and a few decorations. I work best in quiet, calm environments where I can focus. My office provides me everything I need to get deep work done."
Having the flexibility to work from a variety of spaces makes employees feel more comfortable. Sometimes, life gets in the way and employees can't make it into the office. Having that knowledge that working from home, in a space that's more familiar, can boost morale.
We love the workspaces of other HubSpotters because we can see how they contribute to the work ethic of our colleagues. If you're still unsure about implementing a work from home option in the workplace, run an experiment for a week and see if it's realistic. You might find that the internet has helped in the future of work a ton, and that includes making at-home meetings and collaboration with coworkers easier.