FrankGruber5-headshot-square250-240x240Celebrations aren't just for fun. They're crtical tools for motivation and excellence in your business, community and personal achievements. Tech Cocktail founder Frank Gruber's Bold Talk digs deep into the hows and whys of great business celebrations that make direct contributions to your bottom line.


Celebrations Build Your Business

When you’re building your startup, it’s easy to keep your head down, focused on the tornado of email coming in and putting out fires each day. It’s easy to forget that there’s an entire world around you that has no idea what you’re up to.

Frank Gruber is an entrepreneur and new media journalist focused on sharing his product expertise and analysis on Web 2.0, social media and emerging technologies in articles and videos online. His work has been featured in TechCrunch, ReadWriteWeb, and his own blogs.

Dubbed by the Washingtpost Post and Los Angeles Times as a “digital nomad” for his on-the-go, work-anywhere-and-everywhere lifestyle, Frank has spent six years touring the country and covering startups. He knows how crucial it is to tell a startup's story and celebrate what they're doing internally and externally.

Learn how celebration is a tool you can use to unlock all kinds of new opportunities for your company while building excitement for your startup community.

Frank is also one of Forbes Top 20 Most Media Connected in Tech. You'll see why when you watch his talk.



Frank's Slides:

Sketch Notes:

Frank Gruber Bold Talk Graphic Recording

Graphic recording by Kingman Ink.

Frank Gruber is CEO & Co-Founder, Tech Cocktail. You can follow him on Twitter at @FrankGruber and @TechCocktail

INBOUND 2013, attended by over 5,500 inbound marketers, entrepreneurs, and executives, included an INBOUND: Bold Talks experimental storytelling stage. We will publish each talk right here in the Opinion section until all 36 are online.

Be sure to subscribe for more Bold Talks and other exclusive stories and thought leadership!


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Originally published Nov 5, 2013 4:00:00 PM, updated January 18 2023