12 Recruiting Facts That Will Help You Hire Top Sales Reps [Infographic]

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Lindsay Kolowich Cox
Lindsay Kolowich Cox




Looking for talented new folks to join your team? Nowadays, it's tough going out there for organizations that are trying to hire. In many cases, companies find themselves spending a whole lot of time and money on recruiting, while not getting quite the results they were looking for.

If your team is on the lookout for new talent, there are a few things you'll want to consider. 

For example, what are the best ways for candidates to get insight into a company? What's the average cost per hire? How many candidates share negative application experiences -- and how many go so far as to actively discourage others from applying? 

To answer these questions and more, the good people of Officevibe created the infographic below. Check it out to learn what your organization can do to successfully attract and recruit top talent.


Editor's note: This post was originally published on HubSpot's Marketing Blog. For more content like this, subscribe to Marketing.

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Topics: Sales Hiring

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