When you're job hunting, it doesn't always feel like the world is your oyster. But if you're a salesperson at the top of your game who's looking for a new job this year, you just might be in luck.
After skilled trade roles, sales representative is the hardest-to-fill job function worldwide in 2015, according to the ManpowerGroup's annual Talent Shortage Survey.
The full list of most difficult positions to hire for is below:
- Skilled trade workers
- Sales representatives
- Engineers
- Technicians
- Drivers
- Management/executives
- Accounting and finance staff
- Secretaries, PAs, administrative assistants, and office support staff
- IT staff
- Production/machine operators
Skilled trade roles have topped the list since 2012, but sales representative jumped from fourth-hardest position to fill to second-hardest this year.
Rankings vary slightly from region to region. For example, sales representatives are the most difficult position to fill in Asia Pacific, and sales managers take ninth place. In the Americas and EMEA regions, sales representatives are the third most difficult employees to hire.
Survey respondents said a lack of applicants, lack of experience, and lack of technical competencies or hard skills were the top three roadblocks they faced when attempting to hire new employees.
However, the news isn't all bad for employers.
"Thirty-two percent of U.S. employers report difficulties filling job vacancies due to talent shortages," according to a ManpowerGroup press release. "This marks a decrease of 8%, falling from 40% in 2014."
Why do you think sales representative positions are so hard to hire for? Is lack of experience, inadequate technical competencies, or a shortage of applicants to blame? Or do you suspect another reason entirely is behind this trend? Give us your take on this data in the comments.
For more insight into hiring trends for 2015, you can view the full report here or check out the infographic below.