I’ve noticed that every time I call my bank with a complaint or inquiry, the experience feels eerily repetitive. Each call starts with the same cheering greeting, “Thank you for calling [Bank Name], how can I assist you today?” followed by a query about my account number. After the first few calls, it dawned on me that the service agents were reading from a script.
Similar to the canned responses you can implement in email or live chat communications, scripts provide guidance. They structure the flow of the conversation, and they tell agents what to say and when to say it.
While this can seem robotic, it ensures accuracy and professionalism, and that no crucial step is overlooked. The true value, however, shines through when agents can adapt their responses to fit the unique circumstances of each call, like how actors do with their scripts.
I now appreciate the value of a great customer service script — and in this article, I’ve rounded up some of my favorite scripts and will detail how you can use them.Table of Contents
What are customer service scripts?
Customer service scripts, also referred to as call center scripts, help guide agents through customer calls from start to finish. They outline what to say, where to direct customers, and how to respond to different support scenarios.
Garter’s 2024 Customer Service report shows that 86% of customer service leaders find it challenging to improve customer experience. Scripts help agents do that by streamlining customer service interactions and reducing errors in communication.
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Here are some other benefits of using call scripts for customer service.
Benefits of Customer Service Scripts
- Consistent Customer Service Communications
- Improved Workflows and Quicker Response Times
- Easy-To-Use Training Template for New Agents
Consistent customer service communications
Scripts allow all agents to follow the same guidelines for customer communications. This means that all support experiences are uniform and accurate.
Improved workflows and quicker response times
Your agents are more efficient when using a script. These talking points take the guesswork out of customer interactions which leads to faster resolutions.
Easy-to-use training template for new agents
Customer service scripts make it easier to onboard new agents. They can quickly reference the templates as they get up to speed on how different types of conversations should go.
Drawbacks of Using Customer Service Scripts
The major downside of using customer service scripts is a lack of flexibility. In my calls to my bank (and other companies), the scripts sometimes stripped the conversations of any personal touch, making me feel more like a ticket number than a valued customer.
Scripts are great, but they don't account for deviations during the conversation.
Here are some of the other drawbacks of sticking to the script:
- Agents may sound robotic or lack empathy for unique customer situations.
- Interactions are limited, so the customer experience isn't personalized.
- Reps don't feel empowered to go off-script to satisfy customer needs.
Still, customer service scripts can provide value — especially when coupled with the right customer service software.
With additional features like post-call feedback surveys and call tracking, you can gauge how call scripts sound in real-life scenarios and get the insights necessary to fine-tune your scripts and help agents sound more natural.
Customer Service Script Samples
Seeing as phone support is the 2nd most effective channel for customer support teams, I've compiled 15 customer service script examples that agents can use in a variety of scenarios — from starting the conversation and putting customers on hold scripts to diffusing an angry customer and sorting out missing or incorrect deliveries.
Take a look at the full list below.
1. Greeting New Customers
- Hi, this is [First Name] from [Company Name]. How can I help you today?
- Follow-up: Sure, I can help you with that. I just need your [Account Details], and we can get started.
- Thank you for calling [Company Name]. My name is [First Name]. To start, can you please tell me your first and last name?
- Follow-up: Great, nice to meet you [Customer Name]. What can I do for you today?
2. Greeting Existing or Returning Customers
- Hi [Customer Name], welcome back. This is [First Name]. What can I help you with today?
- Follow-up: OK, let's get started. I have your account information pulled up. Can you please verify your order number/[Other Account Detail]?
- Thanks for reaching back out, [Customer Name]. Is this regarding [Description of Previous Issue]?
- Follow-up: OK, let's pick up where we left off during our last conversation.
3. Troubleshooting Common Issues
- I understand that [Product] isn't working for you. Can you walk me through the issue?
- Follow-up: Thank you. Before we continue, are there any steps you've already taken to try and resolve this?
- Can you please provide more details on the problems that you're having with [Product]?
- Follow-up: Thanks for the additional information. I'll help you fix this as quickly as possible. First, try to [First Troubleshooting Step].
4. Sharing Helpful Resources
- It sounds like you're having trouble with [Issue]. The good news is that we have step-by-step guidance on how to resolve this issue in our knowledge base.
- Follow-up: To navigate to our knowledge base, type [URL] into your browser. Then, [Follow These Steps] to find [Resource].
- If you'd like to troubleshoot this issue on your own, I can walk you through the instructions and Follow-up with additional resources over email.
- Follow-up: Sounds like a plan. Can you please confirm the email address we have on file?
5. Updating Account Information
- I'm here to help you with any updates you need to make to your account. Can you please provide me with your account number or the email address associated with your account, so we can verify your details?
- Follow-up: Thank you for verifying your information. What specific updates would you like to make today? Is there anything else on your account you would like to review or change while we're updating your details?
- I see you’d like to update some information on your account. To assist you securely, could you please verify your current account details such as your account number or registered email address?
- Follow-up: I've updated your account information as requested. For your security, would you like to set up or update any additional security features on your account today, such as two-factor authentication?
6. Upselling and Cross-selling
- I noticed from your recent purchases and inquiries that you might benefit from some of our other products/services. Would you like to hear about a special offer or additional product that complements your current selection?
- Follow-up: Based on what you've shared about your needs/preferences, I think our [Product/Service] would be a perfect fit for you. Would you like more details on how this can enhance your experience or meet your needs more effectively?
- I see that you’ve been enjoying our products/services. Based on your current preferences and previous purchases, I think you might be interested in [related product/service]. Would you like to learn more about this today?
- Follow-up: If you decide to add [Related Product/Service] today, I can offer you an exclusive discount. Would you like to take advantage of this offer now, or should I provide more details to help you make an informed decision?
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Addressing common issues
7. Late or Missed Deliveries
- I understand there’s been an issue with your delivery. Could you please confirm your order number and the scheduled delivery date so I can assist you better?
- Follow-up: Thank you for that information. I‘m sorry to hear about this inconvenience. Let me quickly check the status of your delivery. May I ask if this is the first time you’ve experienced this issue with our service?
- I understand there may be a concern with the timing of your delivery. Can you please provide me with the order number and the date you were expecting the delivery? I'm here to help resolve this as quickly as possible.
- Follow-up: Thank you for your patience. It appears that your package was delayed due to [Reason, If Available]. We are aiming to resolve this promptly. In the meantime, would it be helpful if we sent you real-time updates via SMS or email as your package progresses?
8. Damaged or Missing Products
- I‘m sorry to hear there’s an issue with your order. Can you please provide your order number and describe the condition of the received items, or let me know what was missing?
- Follow-up: I appreciate you providing those details. Could you tell me if the packaging was also damaged upon arrival, or if there were any signs that the package had been tampered with?
- I'm sorry that this happened. Can you please provide your order number and describe what items are damaged or missing?
- Follow-up: I've noted the damaged or missing items. We will send out replacements immediately. Would you prefer to receive a confirmation email when the new shipment is on its way, or would an SMS update be more convenient for you?
9. Incorrect Orders
- I’m sorry to hear there was a mix-up with your order. Can you please provide me with your order number and the items you received versus what you were expecting?
- Follow-up: Thank you for those details. To ensure we make this right, could you confirm if you would prefer a replacement with the correct items, or would you like to discuss other solutions?
- I‘m sorry for this inconvenience. Please provide your order number and tell me exactly what items you received as opposed to what you ordered. We’ll start resolving this right away.
- Follow-up: While we arrange for the correct items to be sent to you, would you be able to return the incorrect items? We can provide a free return label and detailed instructions to make this as hassle-free as possible.
Holds and Transfers
10. Putting Customer on Hold Script
- I‘m sorry you’re dealing with [Issue]. Can I please put you on a brief hold while I pull up your account details?
- Follow-up: Thank you for holding. I was able to access your account. I see [Issue] in our system, and I have a few steps we can take to fix it.
- Thanks for providing additional context. I don't have the answer, but I can check with [Team Member]. Would you mind if I put you on hold for a moment?
- Follow-up: Thanks for your patience. I confirmed [Requested Information]. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
11. Transferring a Customer to Another Agent
- Thanks for the explanation. Based on your issue, [First Name] on my team is better equipped to help you fix [Issue].
- Follow-up: It was great speaking with you. I'll go ahead and transfer you to [First Name] to get this resolved.
- I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Let me transfer you to [Department], so they can resolve this for you.
- Follow-up: [Explain Transfer Details] — e.g., You‘ll be placed on a brief hold, and then you’ll be connected with [First Name] from [Department].
Angry Customers
12. Apologizing for a Mistake
- I‘m sorry you’re dealing with this issue. This is on us, and I'll try my best to get this resolved as quickly as possible.
- Follow-up: Can you please confirm [Account Details], so I can take a look on my end?
- I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. At [Company], we take these matters very seriously.
- Follow-up: Here's what we can do for you: [Solution, Incentive, etc.]
13. Diffusing the Situation
- I understand your frustration. Let's review exactly what happened so I can find the best solution for you.
- Follow-up: It sounds like your issue is [Recap of Issue]. Here‘s how I’m going to solve that for you: [List of Specific Next Steps].
- Thank you for the feedback. I hear that you're upset, and I want to make things right.
- Follow-up: For starters, let‘s fix the problem. Then, I’d like to talk about what else we can offer you to show our appreciation.
14. Following Up on Unresolved Issues
- I‘m very sorry that we weren’t able to solve your problem today. We'll give you a call back within [Timeframe] to provide a status update on [Issue]. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
- Follow-up: Thanks again for your time, and enjoy the rest of your day.
- We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve [Issue]. For status updates, you can [Steps to View Status] — e.g., log in to your account and click the ‘Support Tickets’ tab to view the progress. Can I assist you with anything else today?
- Follow-up: Thank you for reaching out to [Company]. Have a great day.
15. Ending a Successful Conversation
- I‘m so glad we were able to resolve your issue. If there’s anything else we can do to help, we're here [Days/Hours]. Enjoy the rest of your day.
- Thanks so much for reaching out to us today. It was great speaking with you. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need additional assistance. Have a great day.
The Bottom Line
Although customer service scripts may seem terse and robotic, I’ve found that they become beneficial when agents are given the flexibility to adapt them to each unique customer interaction. This adaptability empowers agents to address customer needs more effectively and enhances the overall customer experience.
The scripts I’ve included in this article are designed with this flexibility in mind, providing a baseline that customer service agents can build upon and adjust based on the direction of the conversation. This approach creates a more genuine and responsive communication, ultimately leading to higher satisfaction for both customers and agents.
Editor's note: This article was originally published in April 2023 and has since been updated for comprehensiveness.
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