HTML Form Templates [46 Best Examples]

Written by: Madhu Murali
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HTML form templates are a valuable tool for interacting with your users. Taking some of these form templates and tailoring them to your website can enhance how you interact with your customers.

We put together a list of the 46 best HTML form templates sorted by their most common types so you can find the proper form for your website. Please note that each template is a starting point. You should customize any template you choose for your website’s needs.

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HTML Login Form Templates

These forms are good templates for your website’s login page because they have all the required input fields with simple designs. There is a mix of simple and complex designs that you can customize for your website below.

1. Login Form - CodePen Soufiane Khalfaoui HaSsani

What We Like: This form template has a simple elegance with a touch of artistic flair in the floating light placeholder.


Login Form template with floating light

2. Invisible Login Dribble Remake - CodePen Mikael Ainalem

What We Like: This login form template has a clean design with the option to insert a background image of your choosing.

html login form template with inputs for username and password

3. Sign-up/Login Form - CodePen Eric

What We Like: This code is versatile enough to serve as a signup and login form using just one template.

sign up and login form template with input fields for first/last name, email address, set a password and a get started button

4. Day 1 Login Form - CodePen Mohan Khadka

What We Like: This form has an excellent design with options to keep the user signed in and a ‘forgot password feature.

sign in sign up template with input field for username, password, a keep me signed in option and a forgot password feature

5. Bootstrap Snippet Login Form - CodePen Ace Subido

What We Like: This form has a simple, minimalist design with only the essentials: username, password, remember me.

login form with input field for email address, password, remember me checkbox and login button

6. Login Form - CodePen Tyler Fry

What We Like: This form’s understated aesthetic uses WordPress’ login system to keep things friendly and straightforward.

html form template with input fields for username and template with a opaque background

7. Material Login Form - CodePen Andy Tran

What We Like: The bold design of this form template captures your attention immediately with options to register and log in.

login template with white/red color scheme

8. Login Form - CodePen Kamen Nedev

What We Like: The elegant design of this form clicks into the log-in form in a way that doesn’t interrupt your website aesthetic.

first step of login template, click on user icon to input username/password

9. Login/Signup Pure CSS - CodePen Ivan Grozdic

What We Like: This form’s neat design offers a clever way to switch between login and signup.

login/signup template with input fields for email and password

10. Slide Sign-in/signup form - CodePen Danielkvist

What We Like: This simple signup form blends into the image background.

signin/signupup template with input fields for username, email and password

HTML Contact Form Templates

Use these forms to give your users a quick way to get in touch without giving out your email address or other personal information.

11. Contact Form Template - CodePen

What We Like: Thisform’s clean and simple design gets the job done and lets users get in contact with you quickly.

contact form template with fields for name, email, phone number, website and message

12. Contact Form with Validation - CodePenJay

What We Like: The simple design of this form has detailed prompts, including city, state, and zip code, if you need more information from your users.

contact form with first name, last name, email, phone number, address, city, state, zip code, website, project description

13. Flat Responsive Form using CSS3 & HTML5 - CodePen Rex Kirby

What We Like: This form has a nice, simple design with a blurred background image.

contact form with name email and comment

14. HTML5 Contact Form - CodePen ssbalakumar

What We Like: This form has a nice minimalist design with space to add a short message.

quick contact with name, email address, phone number, and message

15. Clean Contact Form - CodePen Nick Haskell

What We Like: The nice blurred background image and spot for a CTA give you room to edit this form for your website’s needs.

contact form with first name, last name, email and comments

16. Elegant Contact Form - CodePen Mark Murray

What We Like: This simple design uses soft borders to send a warm and inviting message to those filling it out.

contact form with email address, message, name and subject

17. Contact Form with filter validation and captcha code - CodePen Mario Vidov

What We Like: The captcha code is a nice twist on this standard form, giving your website an extra verification step.

contact form with name, email, message, and captcha

18. Responsive Contact Form - CodePen Bobby Korec

What We Like: The clickable social media icons give your user different ways to get in touch with you on top of the form itself.

contact form with name email message and social media links

HTML Sign-Up Form Templates

Choose one of these designs for an interactive way for users to register for your website.

19. Interactive Sign-up Form CodePen Riccardo Pasianatto

What We Like: This form has a colorful and inviting design that takes your user through the signup process.

clickable signup form, first part asks for email

20. Neat Registration Form - CodePen Jdm

What We Like: This template has a neat block design that is clean and simple.

registration form with fields for first name, email, and email confirmation

21. Registration Form Template - CodePen W3

What We Like: This detailed template has input fields for city/state/address, birthday, and the option to receive personalized offers from your website.

create a free account with account details like email/password, and personal info like name, phone, street, city, country, website, gender, birthday, nationality and children

22. Signup Form - CodePen Aaron Cuddleback

What We Like: This form’s easygoing design with fields for basic information and a more detailed profile depending on your website’s needs.

sign up html form with basic information and personal profile info

23. Registration With Facebook/Twitter/Google - CodePen W3

What We Like: This form has an excellent design that includes intuitive buttons that lead to signup links through Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

html form with links for facebook twitter and google

24. Custom Sign-up Form - CodePen Dom

What We Like: This is a very customizable form that uses plain HTML/CSS making it beginner-friendly.

simple html sign up form with four input fields

25. Multi-Step Registration Form with Progress Bar - CodePen Atakan Goktepe

What We Like: This pure form with a pastel background takes your users through a multi-step registration process.three step registration html form

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    HTML Survey Form Templates

    These form templates are helpful when you want to collect customer feedback or other types of information.

    26. Simple Responsive Form - Chris Coyier

    What We Like: This is a great beginner-friendly basic HTML/CSS form with multiple choice prompts.

    27. Survey Form - CodePen quietplace

    What We Like: This form has plenty of customizable prompts with a fun sense of humor and the option to attach files.

    html form with dropdown, checkbox and message input fields

    28. Customer Feedback Form (Pet Stores) - CodePen Jamie Coulter

    What We Like: This is a very interactive form with a clean design and fun premise. It is a great way to get customer feedback.

    html form template of monkey expression that's adjustable based on customer feedback

    29. No Questions Asked (survey) Form - CodePen Michael Niewitala

    What We Like: This unique form template blends its questions into the background and offers three different kinds of input prompts.

    30. Survey Form - CodePen Michael Bomholt

    What We Like: Taking design inspiration from Google Forms, this template offers a tried and tested method of asking questions.

    survey html form template with input fields for personal details and survey questions

    31. South Park Survey Form - CodePen Linh

    What We Like: This fun survey form takes inspiration from the hit TV show ‘South Park’ and offers customizable prompts with multiple choice and dropdown options.

    survey template based on south park with 8 input fields

    32. Survey Form - CodePen Adele Royer

    What We Like: This is a very simple survey with multiple-choice questions, checkboxes, and input fields.

    survey html form with different input field types like message, dropdown and checkboxes

    33. Product Survey Form - CodePen Alexandra Caulea

    What We Like: This beautiful form has a multi-step interactive process that gives customers prompts to answer and an input field where they can write any additional notes.

    html survey form with image of woman using a laptop

    34. Concept Customer Feedback Form - CodePen Che

    What We Like: This form gives a brilliant way to collect feedback through an interactive graphic that represents the customer’s experience through a range of frowns to smiles.

    customer feedback html template of adjustable smiley face based on customer experience

    HTML Payment Form Templates

    If you need to collect payment from your customers, use any of these templates.

    35. Payment Card Checkout - CodePen Simone Bernabe

    What We Like: This form has an Interactive credit card graphic that fills itself in using the information your customer gives in the input fields.

    interactive credit card graphic for payment

    36. Credit Card Form - CodePen Muhammad Erdem

    What We Like: This form has a clean background, with an excellent Visa credit card visual that fills itself out with given information.

    interactive html visa credit card template

    37. Payment Form - CodePen Axel Michel

    What We Like: This form offers three clickable and interactive payment forms, though note that you will have to provide a code for both PayPal and the bank account information.

    interactive html payment form with visa, paypal, and banking options

    38. Checkout Form with Payment - CodePen András Szabácsik

    What We Like: This form is more like a traditional checkout template displaying all products and offers prompts to receive payment information.

    html payment template with cart and payment information

    39. Credit Card Payment Form - CodePenJade Preis

    What We Like: This template has a futuristic design with simple elements that allow customers to type directly onto the credit card graphic, making for a fun and interactive experience.

    simple, interactive credit card template

    40. Credit Card Payment Form - CodePen Adam Quinlan

    What We Like: This design changes based on the credit card information to display whatever card your customer uses. Test it out for yourself using the ‘generate random’ button.

    interactive html payment credit card graphic black and white

    41. Payment Form JS - CodePen Maria M. Munoz

    What We Like: This form has a clean and simple design with a warm color palette that fills itself with customer information.

    interactive visa card payment details html template

    42. Credit Card Form - CodePen Matt Riel

    What We Like: This template is a simple, interactive graphic with a basic color scheme.

    simple credit card html form template

    Miscellaneous HTML Form Templates

    Here we’ve collected a variety of HTML form templates that are helpful but don’t quite fit into our categories above.

    43. Accessible Custom Checkboxes with CSS only - CodePen Geoffrey Crofte

    What We Like: This template uses beginner-friendly code for adding checkboxes only.

    html/css template of checkboxes

    44. Show/Hide Password Field - CodePen Sohail Aj

    What We Like: This form’sclean and simple code makes this form easy to add anywhere to your website.

    show/hide password field html template

    45. Confirm Password with HTML5 - CodePen Diego Leme

    What We Like: This form uses basic code that gives a prompt to confirm a password using HTML5.

    confirm password html form template

    46. Password Validation Form - CodePenMarco Biedermann

    What We Like: This interactive form uses emojis to show users how strong their passwords are. Try it for yourself.

    enter password html form template with emoji validation on password strength

    Getting Started with HTML Form Templates

    Use any of these 46 templates to add essential elements to your website and create a more interactive user experience. HTML templates are handy because they are highly customizable per your needs.

    We encourage you to use these templates as a starting point and tweak them to your liking, so they fit your website. The best form templates are tailored to the website they are used for.

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      Topics: Form Templates

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